d.m - aftermath part 1

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this one will be 'set' after The Battle of Hogwarts. It's like an after-party for all of Harry Potters year. it's a year after the battle i guess. I had to ask one of my friends for this idea, you guys are no help 😣
but i still love you! enjoy

My hair was styled into flowing, loose curls that cascaded down my back. And my dress was fitted to my hips and waist, cutting the hem half-way on my thighs. It had thin straps and the neck-line was square and slightly low, only showing a little bit of clevage, but still, I looked hot.

I traced on a little more lip liner at my vanity, before stepping away and looking at myself in the tall mirror. My reflection of wearing a red dress and heels stared back at me and the smokey eyeshadow I wore was finished with a small flick of eye liner.

"Here we go." I sighed and turned, walking out of my apartment in London and heading for the party that I most dreaded.

And there I was, standing outside the Three Broomsticks the same way I did in my first year of Hogwarts. But now everything had changed, friend groups separated and classmates moving countries, fleeing from their past trauma.

The Three Broomsticks hadn't changed though, it was just the same dark and aged wooden corner store, which was concealed from any non-magic people (Muggles).

My hand reached for the door knob hesitantly, touching the cold metal, twisting and pushing lightly. After the small creak of the door, all my surroundings were filled with harsh music, probably played by The Weird Sisters.

I reached out my hand and pushed the door all the way open, revealing throbbing, colourful lights that stained the crowds faces. Stepping through the doorway, I get instantly bombarded by Madam Rosmerta.

"Ahh, Y/n! Good to see you dear." She exclaimed in a chirpy yet raspy tone, raising her voice over the music. "Most kids from Gryffindor are situated to the left and then– you'll figure it out."

Madam Rosmerta tapped my arm in reassurance and left my side, off to serve others, opening up the view of dancing and drinking adults.

Swerving through groups of former students, someone finally catches my eye ahead of me. Hermione Granger.

"Granger!" Following her head of brown curls, I call out as loud as I can.

I finally reach her and grab hold of her arm, turning her to face me. "Y/n!" she squeals, "It's so good to see you!"

Hermione encases me in a tight hug, the stench of alcohol drifting off of her. "Good to see you too, 'Mione!"

"Oh my god, you're looking good!" Hermione laughs, "Someone's had a glow up!"

"For the better too!" We laughed in unison, and Hermione passed me a short glass of Firewhiskey.

"Come see the boys!" She yells and I nod slightly before taking my hand and leading me to the left corner of the room, towards a man with orange hair and one with brown. "Harry, Ron! Look who's here!"

Both turned around, clutching bottles of Muggle beer in their hands.

"Y/n, hey." Ron called, stepping closer to me, before I forcefully grabbed his unoccupied arm and pulled him into a warm hug.

"H-Hello." Harry greeted, itching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Come on Harry. Yes, she is gorgeous, but remember she's been your best friend for seven years. Give her a hug." Hermione ordered.

Harry laughed and his shoulders relaxed instantly, "Come here." He opened his arms, inviting me in his arms.


This party is ridiculous, the only person i've spoke to is Blaise and he seems like the only person that even wants to speak to me anyway. Most people stare, and when I catch them they instantly look away, as though i've burnt them with my gaze. At least the Firewhiskey is decent.

"Oi, Draco." Blaise spoke. "Isn't that Y/n Y/l?" His long finger extended out in front of my face, pointing towards the entry way of the Three Broomsticks.

I turned, following Blaise's eye, only to catch sight of  Y/n, standing in the doorway wearing a skin tight dress, looking beautiful.

"She's looking fit." Blaise proclaimed, clapping me on the shoulder. "Didn't you go to the Yule Ball with her?"

"Y-Yes." I stammered, unable to take my eyes off her. "She's certainly changed since the last time i saw her, though."

"Mhm, guess it's the aftermath of the Battle. Changed everyone, it did."

"Yeah, I suppose." I still watched her intently as she flicked her wavy hair over her shoulder, then glancing a smile at Madam Rosmerta before she disappeared into the crowd.

"Draco. What's wrong." Blaise tapped me on the shoulder, and I instantly shook my head, slipping out of the trance.

Clearing my throat, "Oh uhm, nothing. I'm fine."

"Sure," Blaise scoffed, "She was a Slytherin too you know. You used to be good friends in classes, until sixth year, but that's besides the point." He continued, grabbing my shoulders harshly to face him, "You have a chance, mate. Not everyone hates you."

Looking over Blaise's shoulder I could see that by now Y/n had reached Potter and Weasley and jealousy spurred through me as she hugged both of them.

"Y/n's going to be around Potter all evening, how am I supposed to get to her without him getting in the way."

"It's a reunion, she won't be with them all the time, and she'll need a drink refill at some point, or a bathroom break. Merlin, she might even come over to you if you're lucky." Blaise encouraged, taking a swig from his glass.

"We'll see." I straightened my suit and tie, before striding towards the bar. It's going to be a long night.

mwuah💋 i didn't know if i wanted to do this one in parts or not, but here we are.
in my opinion i do like it so far but not sure if Draco should make the first move or if Y/n should.
What do you think?
Anyways have a nice day/envening and don't forget to vote :)


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