d.m - forbidden part 2

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"Y/n Potter, be my date to the ball."

The Yule ball is only two days away and most students have found their dates, except Draco Malfoy and Y/n Potter.

The courtyard is once again filled with several students, studying, gossiping and messing around. And of course there is Draco, sitting in a tree, almost as though waiting for his prey. Y/n Potter, however, just coincidentally happens to be the pray, and all of a sudden is surrounded by Malfoy and his gang.

"Oi, Potter! Heard you and your brother haven't got dates? How sad for the famous Potter twins, how embarrassing." He sneered, edging closer to Y/n, towering over her in intimidation.

"That might be true, but what about you Malfoy. Can't daddy's boy find a date? Will your father hear about this?" Y/n pushed back, making Draco furious, his cheeks grew a small blush of rage.

"You listen here-" Malfoy was cut off.

"Malfoy! Why don't you go pick on a first year, not my sister!" Harry stepped in front of Y/n, making Draco move back in disgust.

"Come on, Goyle. Don't need to waste our time with these blood traitors." And with that Draco and his posse strode away and out of the courtyard.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Harry asked, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Honestly, I'm fine Harry. I can handle Malfoy by myself." She shook off his hand, "He isn't that hard to handle either, quite easy to get back at him."

"Well I was thinking that we should just go to the ball together, it's a lot easier than finding dates." Harry explained, as they walked out of the courtyard, already knowing it was almost time for their next class.

"That is a good idea Harry, but do you even know the dance? And walking in with my brothers hand around my waist is a bit awkward." Their footsteps were taking them down to the Dark Arts classroom, the corridors becoming empty as students rushed to their classes.

"Uh yeah, you're right," He chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll find a date Harry." Y/n said, "But for now we better head into class before Moody tries the Cruciartus curse on us."

The pair walked into the room, taking their seats at the front of the class. They sat on a table between Ron and Hermione and Draco and Crabbe.

"Good afternoon class, today we will be reading on the curses once again, this time I would like you to turn to page 156, and read on to page 166." Professor Moody explained in his raspy tone, "And I want minimal chatter in this classroom, conversations may remain with your table partner."

The classroom was then filled by the sounds of pages being turned and silent murmurs.

"So, Harry. Who do you think you'll ask to the dance." Y/n whispered, remaining to look down at her book.

"I'm not sure at all, every girl seems to hate me after I got drawn for the tournament. But there is this one girl.." Harry whispered back.

"Who?" Y/n looked up form her book, to face harry's.

"Cho Chang. I met her on the train ride here." He murmured, looking to meet y/n's green eyes, in which they both inherited from their mother, but y/n had Lilly's hair.

"She's a nice girl, just be sure to ask her quick, there are a fair few guys who like her." Y/n informed, once again reading upon the history of the curses.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." Harry spoke, "Who are you gonna ask?"

"Well, if I don't get asked by today or early tomorrow, I'll probably ask someone from our house, not sure who-" Y/n was suddenly hit by a paper bird, which then landed in front of her.

She looked around and spotted Malfoy smirking next to her.

"Open it Y/n." Harry erged. Y/n unfolded the bird, revealing a hand written note, signed D.M underneath.

"Well, what does it say?" Harry pleaded, urgent to know what is enemy has to say to his sister.

"It says, Potter, meet me in the astronomy tower at 9:00 tonight. Don't be late. -D.M"

"I'll come with you then."

"No it's fine Harry-"

"I'm not going to let my sister get hurt by a foul person like Malfoy. What if he pranks you or traps you up there?" Harry whisper/yelled.

"I'll be fine." Y/n emphasised.

"Whatever." Harry sighed. "But if something happens, don't say i didn't warn you."

"Yeah, yeah Harry. Sure."

Astronomy Tower, The night before the Yule Ball

Y/n's body shivered and goose bumps covered her legs under her skirt. The astronomy tower steps were tall and tiring, but when she finally reached the top, she stopped in her tracks, peering through a crack in the door, to see Draco leaning against a railing.

Y/n opened the door, which made a slight squeaking noise, causing Draco to turn around.

"Uhm, you-you came." He stuttered.

"Did I really have a choice?" Y/n snapped.

Draco chuckled deeply, "No need to be so bossy, Y/n."

"Since when are we on first name basis. You hate me."

"I don't hate you," Draco stepped closer to Y/n, "I've had a crush on you since first year actually. I've only started picking on you this year, cause I suppose i have more courage to talk to you."

"I- I don't understand." Y/n was in shock, her jaw slightly down, due to how shocked she was.

"Y/n Potter. Be my date to the ball."

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