d.m - aftermath part 2

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slight smut (not in detail)


Following through the crowds, I kept my hands by my side, fiddling with the hem of  my jacket in anxiousness. Y/n was my first love and my best friend, until I secluded myself from everyone in sixth year. Her eyes always drew me to her, hypnotising me almost. And I still remember the day she walked down those steps, wearing the most stunning gown, with her hair pinned back. It was different tonight, not as formal I suppose. She let loose tonight but in the most beautiful way possible.

Swerving towards the bar, I took a seat next to some former ravenclaw. It only took them five seconds to realise who I was and leave.

After calling to the bartender for a Firewhiskey, I peer around my shoulder to see Y/n dancing wildly with Granger. Her hips swaying from side to side softly, as her hands explore her body, trailing up and down her waist.

Fuck. That's hot.

I look away quickly before I can't stop, take a large swig of whiskey and stand from my chair. I straighten my jacket as I watch Y/n tug Granger's arm then whisper something in her ear. Granger nods and Y/n starts walking towards the bathroom doors.

"Oh shit." I mumble to myself before speed walking after her, nudging people out of my way.

I'm finally a metre away from Y/n but her hands on the door knob of the ladies bathroom. Before she can twist it, my hands already covered hers. Her neck quickly snaps around to me, searching my eyes.

"Excuse me, M-Malfoy?" She tries to budge her hand from under mine, but I stay star-struck looking at her.

"Malfoy! Can you let my hand go please?" Y/n insists, waving her other hand in front of my face.

I slowly let her hand go, and take a step back. "S-Sorry." My eyes turn to the floor in embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, just don't go grabbing random girls hands." Y/n snapped, rubbing her hand from the tight grib I had on it. "What is it that you want, anyways?"

"I was just wanting to say hello, it's been years." I explain, with my gaze still locked on the floor.

"Yes, it has been years. That's not my fault is it though." She takes a step towards me, and my eyes trail up her body slowly before reaching her eyes. She's always been shorter than me, so i look down at her.

"No. It isn't." I sigh, and we make eye contact quickly before she looks to the ground. "And I'm sorry, truly sorry."

"Draco Malfoy apologising?" I gulp at the sound of my given name. "Who would have though, hey?"

I chuckle darkly at her sarcastic comment. "Well if I may, i'd say you've grown quite a lot Malfoy."

"I could say the same about you, Y/l." An obvious blush rises to her cheeks.

"You're about, what? Seven feet tall now?" She laugh lightly to herself.

"Actually i'm 6'4"." I straighten my back to stand up tall, and take a step towards her, then craning my neck to look down at her intimidatly. "Does my height scare you, Y/l?"

Draco Malfoy One Shots and Fluffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن