d.m - detention

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let's say this is 'set' in 6th year, idk you choose any year ABOVE fourth year for this


"Sorry that I cant help that you're a daddy's boy, who needs his father to hear about everything when it doesn't go your way, Draco!" I yelled.

"Oh shut up, you little brat-"

"Detention, for both of you!" Professor Snape snapped, towering over our desk. "And I don't want to hear your bickering again, understood?"

We both nodded to Snape, before sending glares, that could kill, in each other's direction.

Draco instantly shot up, collecting his work, "I'll see you tonight then, yeah?" He sneered.

"Yeah whatever, piss off." I huffed, leaning my head on my elbow. A small scoff was audible as Draco walked out of the class. God, he really was a dickhead.


"You're late." I stated, standing outside Snapes office expectedly.

"So? It's not like you care." Draco said, leaning against the wall. He wore his school slacks, with the usual oxford shirt, but no robe, just his satchel over his shoulder. He clung to it almost desperately.

"I do actually. Turns out if you don't show up, my ass gets beat too."

"Yeah sure."

The door slamming open signalled that Snape had walked out in front of us. "Compose yourself Mr Malfoy, and the two of you better behave, Ill be just down the corridor. So no. Mis. Behaving. Got it?"

"Yes professor." We said in unison, before Snape strolled down the empty corridor and I entered the classroom as Draco followed after me.

Draco strode to the opposite side of the room of where I sat and took a seat right in the view of the moon light. His features stood out from the gleam–

"Stop gaping, Y/n. Bad habit." He spoke blankly.

"Be quiet, ferret. I was simply looking at your untidy hair, brush it much?" But secretly, it was fucking attractive, the way it fell in front of his eyes as he hunched over his work was just– unexplainable.

It remained silent for the most, except for the scraping of our quills and silent shuffling of our chairs.

"Merlin, if I have to do Astronomy for another bloody year I might just pitch myself off the tower." I murmured, flicking my quill into the holder aggressively.

"Pfft, sorry what?" Draco looked up from his work, while I still looked down at mine.

"Doesn't matter."

"You know you can ask for help, right?" He scoffed. Man, this boy needs to stop scoffing at everything I say.

"Yes, but–"

"Just let me see." And he was already walking toward my desk, leaning over me with his hand resting on the side, his other on the back of my chair. "What part don't you understand?"

"I don't need your help, Malfoy." I said, shooing him away with my hand.

"I happen to be the top of our year, actually. Stop being rude and accept the favour." He exclaimed, taking my quill in his hand and scribbling something on my paper, as I sat annoyed at his arrogance.

As he leaned over me, I couldn't help but stare at Draco's arm. His shirt was bunched up slightly around his arm, revealing his out-standing veins. Our relationship was very love-hate but I couldn't deny that he was an absolutely stunning man.

"You don't have to write my whole essay you know."

"I know, but your little dumb self probably can't even write a whole paragraph." Draco chuckled, ruffling my hair up as he stood up.

"Oi!" I yelled, fixing my hair as he watched me, still laughing.

Draco walked closer to me, taking my chin in his hand. "Shh, haven't you remembered?" All of a sudden it seemed as though his voice dropped another octave, as he spoke quietly. His grip still remained on my chin as he leaned closer to my face, only a few inches away from my lips. "Or have you forgotten, Y/n?"

"Wh–what?" I whispered. "We were told to stay quiet."

"Exactly." He snapped, still not letting go of my chin. "So keep it down."

"Can you let go of me now?"

"Not until you apologise." He continued when I shot him a confused stare. "No one humiliates me in front of the class like that. You must apologise."

"I'm sorry?" He leaned in further, clearly unhappy with my response.

"Not good enough."

"I said I'm sorry, how is that–"

Draco leaned in so close, his lips brushed lightly against mine, abruptly stopping me between my sentence.

"You drive me crazy, you know that?" His hot breathe tingled my skin at the sensation of him so close. Draco's white hair tickled my forehead, while his hand slipped from my chin to cup my neck right under my jaw. "I just want to–"

"Then do it." I whisper, tilting my chin so that our lips brushed once more.

Draco huffed loudly before taking my lips into his and kissing slowly, yet deeply. His hands dropped from my jaw to my hands, guiding me to stand as we remained kissing. My hands tangled up through his already messed up hair, while his trailed down to my waist, gripping it securely. Suddenly, his tongue grazed up onto the roof of my mouth, earning a soft moan from my lips.

"Miss Y/l! Mr Malfoy! Stop this instant!" Snape suddenly called from the doorway and we threw ourselves away from each other. I nervously wiped my mouth, not taking my gaze away from the ground. "That's now a worth weeks detention for you two! Now get out of my site before I make it a month!"

Draco strode over to his desk, fumbling with his satchel, then walking past me. "See you tomorrow night, Y/n."

With a wink at me and a nod towards Snape, Draco left me struggling to pack up my things without knocking my quill and my book off the table.

"Tonight would be good, Miss Y/l." Snape murmured from the door. I slung my satchel over my shoulder, and turned to walk out the door.

"Sorry, Professor."

As walked down the corridor, I still couldn't forget Draco's words before he kissed me.

"You drive me crazy, you know that?"

Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?
anyways... ifykyk
btw, keep on commenting, it's the funniest shit ever 👾
i hope you're having a great day/night! if you're not then feel free to text me or do something that makes you happy!
ummm i KINDA like this one, not sure.
but i hope YOU like it! Don't forget to vote bestie <3


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