d.m - second choice

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"Draco," Narcissa spoke softly, her attention remaining between Draco and I's intertwined hands, "Come."

He instantly stiffened beside me, before slowing slipping his hand from mine.

"No... Draco please-" I began, but he had already walked forward, descending down the rubble of Hogwarts, swerving around staring students and finally reaching Voldemort.

The pale man outstretched his arms, embracing Draco in a very awkward hug. A tear fell down my cheek as I watched him walk to the other side, the wrong side.

Luna waddled over to me and grasped my hand, but I didn't notice as I still focused on Draco. Several eyes were on me as my tears continued to fall like a waterfall.

Draco's beautiful blond hair shone in the over-cast light, his gaze was focused primarily on the ground, casually glancing up to Voldemort as he proclaimed his speech.

In the corner of my eye, I spotted Neville's body walk to the centre of the courtyard, carrying the sword of Gryffindor. I searched back again for Draco, only to realise he was pulled to the back of the crowd by Narcissa, the top of his blonde head was the only visible aspect.

Snapped out of my trance, screams filled the atmosphere when Neville suddenly sliced through Nagini, setting off chaos. Harry fell from Hagrids hands, pulling out a wand, as several death eaters disappeared into black fog.

Voldemort stood obviously weakened, before I quickly realised a Death Eater was approaching me.

"Stupefy!" He yelled, running up the stairs to me, but I quickly dodged in defence.

"Y/n!" Draco caught my eye across the room, battling next to his mother.

"Draco..." I spoke before an orange light hit me, the Cruciatus Curse. My body shuddered in pain, spreading all through my veins. Sharp, stubborn pains like i had never experienced before, felt as though they were burning into my brain, my legs weakened at the feeling and collapsed to the ground, just at the same time as Narcissa was hit by Stupefy.

Draco stood confused between Narcissa and myself, before reaching out for his mother, breaking her curse. Just as he was about to reach me, the same Death Eater sent a green glow towards me.

"No! Y/n!" Draco screamed, crouching down next to me. "Please, don't go."

"I'll always be the second choice, Draco."

He simultaneously shook his head, my eyes dropped back slowly.

And then there was nothing.

This is literally one of my worst stories but i'm sorry that i haven't published in a while SO SORRY but ya know fucking SCHOOL
anyways vote please

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