d.m - familiar strangers part 2 (smut)

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"So there you go." Draco stated as my mouth gaped open, trying to take in everything he just told me. We sat together in one of the nicest restaurants in London, Draco insisted to pay.

"I-I don't know what to say, Draco." And truly, I didn't. What were you supposed to say when someone just told you how they left their childhood home after the trauma and mental abuse they had to put through for years? And how their father is now in Azkaban for life because they murdered hundreds? Oh and also how they've never dated anyone for four years? What. Do. I. Say.

"Anything, just say something." He almost pleads. "I can't stand you saying nothing."

"Well um," I begin, fiddling with the table cloth hem, "so there's really never been anyone else?"

Draco looks up to me, and our eyes meet simultaneously. "No, there hasn't been anyone for years, Y/n."


"Only you, my love." He almost growled those words, making my face flush.

Draco stared and stared at me as we ate in silence. I wasn't sure whether I felt comfortable or awkward until he broke it.

"Come on," Draco stood from the table, offering a hand for me to stand, I took it reluctantly. "I could stare at you forever, but I have other plans for tonight."

"Draco I hope you realise we can't do anything while Scorp's in the house, right?"

"Fuck, that's right." I raised my eyebrows at him. "Wait, no don't worry I didn't forget about him, it's just- well we could go to my apartment instead."

"I don't know," I slipped my coat over my dress and we began to walk out, "I really need to check on him."

As we exited the restaurant, Draco quickly added, "I could get a house elf to take care of him! Only if you want to though."

"I'm still not sure..."

"Do you remember Winky the house elf?" Draco grabbed my hand and we began walking down the streets.


"She loves kids, and loves keeping secrets. You know, since we haven't told anyone just yet." Draco explained, and suddenly stopped us in our tracks. "So, what do you say?"

He wrapped a hand around my waist, the other coming up to my cheek and I instantly fell for the pleading façade.

"Ok, ok fine." I sighed and his eyes instantly glowed with excitement. "You really are desperate to get in my pants aren't you." I patted his cheek mockingly and strode away from him.

"Huh-wait hold on." Draco stuttered, catching up to me.

"Nothing can stand in Draco Malfoys way." I cooed and looped my arm under his.

"Oh be quiet, it's been years, might I add."

"That's what you've got your hand for though, isn't it. My poor, lonely baby."

"Someone's grown an attitude over the years." He grinned.

"Don't even try to hide the fact you were a dick in school."

"I didn't say I wasn't a dick." We laughed immensely, and bantered together until we stopped outside of a tall, brick apartment building. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Once Draco led me up the towering stairs, and opened the door, he revealed a large room, filled with several plants, a dark green velvet couch (accompanied by a coffee table), and a black-themed kitchen to the left of the doorway. The walls were the same rustic brick as the outside, and large windows covered two walls, showing off the astounding city view.

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