d.m - forbidden part l

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KamerynNewman Gave me the inspiration for this One shot, and there i'll be more parts to this story so stay tuned and remember to vote!

"She looks better in a dress then you ever will."

My name is Y/n Potter, yes, Harry Potters twin sister. You may want to pity me or tell me how you knew my parents, but in all truth, I never knew my parents so I don't remember anything about them, except for the fact that 'I look like my mother'.

Since i'm Harrys twin, i'm obviously in Hogwarts with him, and in Gryffindor. But something that my brother doesn't know is that I have a crush on his enemy, Draco Malfoy.

Courtyard, Hogwarts, 4th Year

"Y/n! Over here!" Hermione called from across the courtyard, gesturing me to come over to her and Ron.

"Hey, Mione." I spoke, brushing a strand of my orange hair behind my ear. "How are you?"

"Good thanks, but i wanted to ask you something." She said, standing up and closing her book to place it down upon her pile on the bench.


"Do you want to join us in the library after dinner? Harry won't be there since Ron's still annoyed with him."

"Uhm, y-yeah sure." My hair once again fell into my face as I pushed my robe sleeve up my arm to check my watch. "I'll see you two later though, I have to meet up with Ginny (book ginny) in the common room."

"Alright bye, Y/n." Ron faded out when he saw Fleur Delacour and her entourage walk by.

"Not so fast, Potter." A dark voice called out, I looked behind my shoulder to see Draco Malfoy. Fuck.

"What do you want, Malfoy." My eyes rolled back as I turned around to face the platinum blonde teen and his posse of over sized boys.

"Heard your brother got put into the tournament, unfortunate for him. Probably won't last 10 minutes." Malfoy's group erupted with laughter.

"Yeah? Well why don't you go piss him off, not me." I snapped, checking my watch again to see that i was already late to meet with Ginny.

"Oooo, feisty." Malfoy's smirk grew.

I'm actually surprised he was attacking me and not Harry. Malfoy has never usually spoke to me like this, it's always Harry and then me standing in the background watching everything. How the tables turn.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy." Hermione fought back.

"Back down you dirty Mudblo-"

Before Draco could finished his sentence, my hand had hit his cheek with full force, making him stumble back.

"You'll regret that Y/n! My father will hear about-"

"Oh shut up Daddy's boy! Get over yourself." And with that I strode away quickly, leaving Malfoy star struck, watching me walk away with confidence.

Draco Malfoy One Shots and Fluffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن