Chapter 9

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I was walking upstairs. I hear some talking but I can't seem to understand it, so I just kept walking 'til I reach my room. As soon as I enter my room, I laid myself down my bed, and Bon started to ran towards me.

"Hey Miss!! Let's play!!" he said.

"I can't. I'm not in the mood." I said to him.

"Can't we play? Even just a few minutes?"Bon insisted.

I was a little irritated at him because of my headache and his annoyance.

"Could you please stop!! I'm trying to take some rest here!!" I shouted as I stomped my foot.

Right where I stomped my foot, a flame bursted out of it. It was actually at my foot, but I don't seem to get hurt.

"MOOOOOOM!!!" I shouted, then my vision got blurry and after I heard I think Mommy Linda's voice, I didn't know what happened next.

When I woke up, I saw myself lying on a bed in a room. The one that looked like on a picture of a castle on Kai's bag.

It felt strange... it's like I am not myself anymore... It's like I'm someone else...

I look to my right and see a boy. I didn't know who he was, but the name 'Baekhyun' was in my mind.

I tried to get up to approach him but I failed. I think he heard me because he turned his attention to me after I moved.

"Princess, are you okay?" he said as he went to me.

"I don't think so.. I can't get up. Anyways, where am I? What am I doing here? "

"You're at the good witches' tower. Well, unfortunately, you lost your memory and the others made you take them back. Can you remember anything princess?" he asked.

"Well.. not really.."

"How about me? Don't you remember me? I'm Baekhyun!! Your third knight, remember? How about Sehun the second knight? and Kai the first one?"

"I don't know.. I don't know!!" I said. I got a little irritated again, then my head started to hurt a little that made me close my eyes.

Some things that seem like flashbacks played on my mind.

"Dad!! Please pick me that one!!"

I was pointing at a flower that was hanging on a branch of a tree. I asked a not so old man to pick it for me. He smiled, picked it, gave it to me then kissed my cheek and said, "My princess, you are my most precious treasure. Don't ever leave me, okay?" he said as he moved my hair at the back of my ear. I nodded to him then hugged him tight.

I gasped some air as I opened my eyes so wide.

"What is it, princess?! Is everything okay?!"

"Tell me, am I kidnapped or not?" I asked him. I didn't know where I took those words, but it went out of my mouth without my mind checking it.

"Yes, you were.  And we were actually here to look for you, and now that we found you, we're trying our best to bring back your memory, princess." he said.

"So what they said were true..." I mumbled to myself.


Mianhae for the short update *bows*

I'm running out of ideas and I can't seem to have some... So if you have suggestions, leave a message on my inbox or my message board ^_^

Anyways, I hope you guys would read my other fics.. And hope you like them too ^_^


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