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Julio's POV:

That morning was when all of it hit me like a ton of bricks. I woke up next to Devon. He was looking at me and I could tell neither one of us wanted to get up.

Devon and I just laid there for what felt like forever. Every minute I cherished with him. I wanted to go to Arizona with him and just drop everything, but I couldn't. I live in California and I have friends and family. I don't know how much longer I will have with my Grandma, she's getting old and time isn't serving her well.

Eventually we got up. We had to, time was going by quicker than we thought. We only had an hour to get up, eat, and pack. Then Devon got a phone call.

"Hello?" Devon said. I could hear the man on the phone, but I couldn't understand him.
"Okay, yes sir. Thank you." Devon said as he hung up.

Devon walked over to me and hugged me. He started crying.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked
"Well, with my medical bills and depression I haven't been able to pay my bills and I'm being evicted." He said.
"Oh." I said
"Yeah, I'll have to move back with my mom and brother in Oklahoma until I can get myself back on track." Devon continued.

My heart sank.

"There isn't any use in being upset. Life is a bitch." Devon said.

He pulled out his phone and called someone.
"Hi mom...." He said as he stepped out of the room.

I looked down and I could feel tears emerging. They fell down and I could see them spat on the ground.

Then I got up and started packing. I could hear Devon coming back from the hallway. He hugged me from behind.

"Hey, everything's gonna be fine." He said
I turned around, grabbed his head, and kissed him. I pulled away and said.

"I know, but I'm still gonna worry about you."

I leaned in and kissed him again. Then someone knocked at the door. I walked over and open the door. Bayani was standing there.

"Hey Jordon." I said as I stepped aside letting him in.
"Hi!" He said stepping in.
"Okay everyone is meeting in the lobby to say our last goodbyes." Bayani continued.
"Okay, we'll be there in a minute." Devon said.

Bayani nodded his head and walked out. I closed the door behind him.

"The sad part." I said
"It's okay..." Devon said
"No it's not Devon. We live so far away and you're moving. I can't stand being without you, it's painful." I nearly shouted.

Devon grabbed me, looked me in my eyes, and said.

"Julio, everything is going to be fine. It will just take time."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know, but how much time do we have left?" I asked
"I don't know Julio, I honestly don't know." He replied.

I grabbed Devon's hand and we walked out to the lobby.

"Okay, now that everyone's here I have some news." DulJuice started
"This is my señor year in highschool, and that means that next year in going to college. That also means that I can't make videos when that starts, but I will be socially active on Twitter." She continued.

Everyone was sad. Everyone loved DulJuice. She was nice and understanding. Sometimes I thought she could actually feel my pain.

"It's okay guys!" DulJuice yelled out after she realized everyone was sad now.

Everyone joined in a big group hug around DulJuice.

"Boy Cooties!!!" She screamed out and everyone laughed. Even Devon and I.

An hour later Devon's Über arrived. Before he got in Devon grabbed me and kissed me. This was our first public kiss since we were in a public relationship.

"Love you babe!" He said as he got in.
"I love you too Devon." I said as I shut the door.

On the plane I pretty much looked out the window the entire time. Then an old woman next to me asked me.

"You miss him don't you?"
"Excuse me?" I replied
"Your boyfriend, you miss him don't you?" She said as she pointed to my desktop background. It was a picture of me and Devon kissing.
"I do, long distance relationships suck. " I said, she nodded and smiled.
"They seem to be, but when they work out, they are the best relationships." She said as she grabbed my hand an squeezed it tightly and then let go.

I looked out the window again and thought about what she said. It made sense.

Julio's eyesWhere stories live. Discover now