Chapter 2: Minecon day 0

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Devon's POV:

Minecon day 0 tomorrow. My flight is in 5 hours. I already had my bags packed. My phone rings, it was a text from Julio. "Julio: Hey, were you serious about the kiss thing and the shippers?" I smile and laughed I'm reminded of the joke I made. I grab my phone and texted back "If your comfortable with it then yeah let's do it." I smiled and put down my phone.

Julio was a great guy, he always laughed at my jokes and he was really open and accepting about my sexuality. He knew I even dated some guys in high school. Those relationships though never lasted.

I can't wait for Minecon and finally meeting the guys, I am a bit nervous. I am older than a lot of them, but I act their age so I hope there is no judgement.

A couple of hours later I go to the airport. I go through security and board the plane. After the flight I go to the hotel. Julio and I are staying in the same room to make it cheaper. We're staying in a small room with two small beds.

Whenever I got off the plain I turned on my phone and got a bunch of texts from the cube members saying they arrived. I also got a text message from Julio it said "Arrived at the hotel, room 201. Just knock whenever you arrive." I texted back. "Just got off the plane. See you soon." I smile and send the text.

I call an uber and taxi and tell him to take me to the hotel. I hadn't traveled in forever, the last trip I made was when I moved from Oklahoma to Arizona whenever I moved out from my mom's house.

I arrive at the hotel and walk upstairs with my bag and suitcase. I knock on door 201. I hear shoveling of feet and the door opens. It was Julio. He stood there with a smile on this face. He was almost as tall as me. He seemed older than he was. He seemed like he was 18 not 15. You could tell he was being raised right.

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back and said hi. We hadn't seen each other in real life before, but the a hug felt right. He was warm and his hug was soft. I felt so comfortable in his arms. I don't know why though.

I walked in the room and set my bags down next to my bed. He already had his stuff set on his bed so I assumed that was his bed.

We sat down on the couch that was next to the TV and talked. It was no different from Skyping or FaceTime except that he was actually there and I could punch him when he joked about me. I don't know why but he just seemed so much like a best friend to me.

Later we went out for dinner. I loved being with him, he was so kind like he was on Skype, but when we were together its like the world around us was just a brighter place.

When we arrived at the hotel we decided we would do the DevonDoesTomahawk kiss joke.
I set up a tripod and my camera.
I set the camera to take 1 every 3 seconds. Just to make sure we got a good picture and that we didn't have to kiss several times to get a good

We both sat down. I press the picture button and we both leaned in. Then his lips met mine. His lips were soft and warm and nice. I instantly felt a connection. I liked him, and I don't mean like him as a friend. My heart started racing, I could feel his tongue slip into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and I grabbed him and brought him closer to me.

The kiss lasted over 30 seconds and that was more than enough time to get a good picture. He pulls away and laughs. I laughed with him to cover up my feelings.

We didn't actually end up posting the pictures. Later Julio realized that he was underage and that I could go to jail for pedophilia if we posted it. My jaw dropped and I started laughing. I agreed with him not to post it. I only wondered why neither of us thought of that before.

We watched a movie on Netflix and then went to bed. I laid in bed, thinking about the kiss. It was the only thing I could think about. If was about midnight now and I decided to ask him if he felt anything when we kissed.

"Julio?" I asked
"Yeah?" He said in reply as he sat up.
"Uhhh..." I said hesitating as I got up.
"What is it Devon?" He asked as he got up sat down on my bed. I got up and sat next to him.
"You know you can tell me anything." He stated.
"Could you... Uh, did you feel__" I was interrupted by him grabbing the back of my neck as he pulled me. Our lips met for the second time, he knew what I was thinking. He felt the connection too. I started to kiss him back. I grabbed his body and pulled it into mine so that there was no space in between us. He let out a small moan and let his tongue touch mine. Then he pulled away and said "Devon, I like you and I want us to have something more than just a friendship." Julio admitted.
"I do too." I said as I leaned in and kissed him again.
He pulled back and asked "Devon, will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled and nodded my head. Julio smiled and leaned in for another kiss. This time it was more gentle. He released my lips and pulled me in for a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and said "thank you!"

After hugging he scrunched up in a ball and let me wrap myself around him. We laid down and I fell asleep.

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