Moving in with a surpise

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Devon's POV:

Moving while being in a long distance relationship sucks. I haven't been able to get a full nights sleep since being with Julio at Pax, why does life have to be so hard?

Hopefully being with my family will help me to get better. It's gonna be weird moving in with my mom and brother. It's going to be weirder telling them that I'm in a relationship with a 16 year old. That's what's really going to he awkward.

All I've been doing for the past few days is packing and making phone calls. I'm gonna have to get an actual job, probably at a fast food place like Braums, just until I can get myself back on my feet.

The day finally came, moving day that is. I loaded all my stuff in a u-haul and headed to Oklahoma. Out of all places Oklahoma?! Known for being incredibly religious and the Oklahoma City bombing. Other than that it's a quiet state. Big on politics tho, sort of annoying, but I can avoid all that.

The road trip was long, but it was nice whenever I finally got there. It was funny, everything I was trying to avoid was right next door.

I pull up next to my moms drive way and she runs out.

"Devon, you're home!!!"
"Mom!!" I said reaching out my arms to hug here.
"Hey Devon!" I hear my little brother shouting out. He's grown so much!
"Hey shorty!" I say calling him his old nick name.

After saying hello we started unloading. A boy walks over, he's looking down trying to avoid eye contact. He looks like he's 13 or 14.

"Ummm... Hi, you must be moving in... Ummm." He starts saying
"Hi, I'm Devon." I say
"Where do I know that name from?" He whispers under his breathe.
"Wait DEVON MINES?!" He shouts. His head jerks up revealing his bright hazel eyes.
"You're a fan?"I ask while laughing
"Yes! OMG #DevonDoesTomahawk all the way!!" He says. I start laughing harder. "Can I have a hug?!" He says.

I nod my head and wrap my arms around him. This hug was strange, it wasn't like any other hug. I felt like it really meant something to him.

I let go and he says
"Well, I'm gonna go, I'll catch up with you later."
"Wait , don't tell anyone my address or anything, I don't want information like that getting out, ya know?" I asked.
"Of corse Devon, I won't even tell my friends you live next door!" He says as he started walking away.

I'm in complete shock. A fan lives next door. This is going to be an interesting few months.
"Someone you know?" I hear my brother ask as I walk in.
"A fan actually, he lives next door." I said
His jaw drops. I laugh uncontrollably.
"What's going on here?" I hear my mum call out.
"A fan lives next door!" I said
"You mean Will, the boy next door?" She asks
"Short, tan skin, thick brown hair, and hazel eyes?" I ask
"That's him." She says with a smile on her face.

After unloading all the boxes I call Julio.
"Hey babe!" I hear Julio say when I call.
"Hey, you'll never believe what happen!" I said excitedly.
"What?!" Julio says nervously.
"A fan lives next door to my moms house!" I said as I start laughing.
"What?!?! OMG that's awesome. Tell them I say hi." He says
"Okay, his name is Will by the way. I think he's 14. Maybe 13." I replied.
"Okay, well I have homework to do, love you babe!" He says
"Love you too!" I say as I hang up.

Now to unpack my stuff. Great, well maybe Will might help. I walk over to Will's house. I knock on the door. A girl that looks a little over Will's age answers.

"Hi, I'm Devon, I'm moving in next door." I said with a smile.
"Hi, I'm Marry, come on in." She says opening the door even more. I step in and A small dog runs right to me and starts sniffing my legs.
"He puppy!" I say as I reach down to pet it.

"Dad, the guy moving in next door is here!" Marry yells out.

I look around. Crosses and family pictures hang on the wall. Its funny I didn't get the religious vibe off of Will.
A see a fairly large man walk out.
"Hi, I'm Robert." I see the man greet me with a smile as he sticks out his hand out. I reach out my hand and shake his.
"Hi, I'm Devon." I say
"Nice to meet you Devon." He says.
"Anyways I met Will earlier and I was wondering if he wanted to help me unpack." I say
"Yeah, let me go ask him if he's up for it." He says as he walks out into another room.
A few moments later Will walks out.
"Hi Devon, you wanted my help unpacking." He says with a smile.
"Yeah, let's go." I say
He walks out the door as he says goodbyes to his family.
"Your family seems nice." I say as we walk to my house.
"Oh trust me, once you get to know them they're not so nice." Will says
"Oh... Okay." I reply.

We walk inside and into what is going to be my room.

"Okay, so what do you need help unpacking?" Will asks.
"My computer, clothes, pretty much everything." I reply.
"Okay, where do we start?" He asks
"Let's start with the computer." I say.

I walk over to a box and Will follows me. We start unpacking and chatting.

"Julio says Hi by the way." I say
"Julio... Tomahawk?!" He says as he gets up and starts doing a little dance while singing "Tomahawk knows I exist... Tomahawk knows I exist..." I start laughing. After some more unpacking and talking I finally get to ask him a deep question.
"So, your family and everything, you guys are religious and all that, but I don't get that vibe from you, what's that all about?"
"Oh, don't tell them this, k?" He asks. I nod my head.
"Well, my family has always been extremely religious. My dad isn't exactly what you'd call the best father. So I've never made that connection with God or anything. I mean I believe and everything, but I don't pray, i don't read the bible, and I'm pretty much alone." He says. "Oh, shit. Now I feel bad." I say. He smiles and softly punches me on the shoulder.
"So, was that DevonDoesTomahawk thing real?" He asks me. I turn on my laptop and flip it open. "I don't know, is it?" I say. He looks at the desktop background of me and Julio kissing.
"I thought you guys weren't gonna do that until he's 18." He says
"Shhhh... It's a secret. We just said that for legal reasons." I said
"Okay." He says with a smile.

His phone rings. He looks down at it.
"Fuck! Dinner time. Devon I have to go. I'll help you out later. K?" He says.
"Okay." I say. He reaches in for a hug and it happens. Again, it's a weird hug, but it's an awesome hug.
"Wait, before you go I want your number!" I say.
"Okay, it's 405-555-2535."
I input the phone number into my phone. I send him a text message. His phone rings almost immediately. He smiles and walks out the door.
"Bye" he says
"Talk to you later." I say. I hear the door close.

That night I lay awake thinking of Julio. Sadness starts to kick in, but is interrupted by faint yelling in the distance. "AN F?!?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS COULD MEAN?!?! I'M SORRY OKAY!!!! I MESSED UP!!!! YOU'RE NOT SORRY NOW, BUT GO YOU WILL BE WHEN YOU'RE ALONE AND ON THE STREETS!!!" I hear door slams. I look out my window. I see Will sitting on his bed crying. Facing the window and looking down at his phone. I grab my phone and start texting him.

"You okay?" I ask him
"What do you mean?" Will replies.
"I can hear you, don't think I can't." I said
"Oh, sorry." He says
"Don't be, everyone gets in fights." I said
"Thanks." He says
"Look out your window." I say
He looks up and smiles.
"I didn't realize we were right across from each other." He says
"Yep." I say
"Well, goodnight." He says
"Night!" I reply.
He turns off his light, but I can still see the light from his phone shine on his face while he lays in bed.

The next morning. Friday, finally.

Julio's eyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant