Caught naked

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Devon's POV:

I wake up, it's Saturday around noon. I can hear little kids playing in the street. I get up to take a shower and get undress. My brother is at some friends house and my mum is out shopping for food and clothes so I don't bother closing doors. I get in the shower, the water runs down my body. I wash my body and hair, then I get out of the shower. A Nicki Minaj song comes on. I start dancing and twerking to it. Then my phone rings.

"Will: Maybe you should close the curtains before you dance naked." I read.
Oh shit. I look out the window and see Will standing by his waving.
"Omg, sorry!!!" I text back
"I'm not complaining ;). I just thought you might want some privacy." He replies.
"Yes, thank you." I text back.

I close the curtain and continue dancing. Then my phone rings again.

"Need anymore help unpacking?" Will asks.
"Sure! Come on over." I reply.
"K, be right there." He says.

I get dressed and soon after the door bell rings. I walk downstairs and answer the door. Will is standing there.

"Hey, come on in." I say
"Hi." He says as he walks in.
An awkward moment of silence falls.
"Devon, don't worry. I didn't take any pictures of you." Will finally says.
I sigh and put my hands in my face. Will laughs.
"Okay, just, oh boy." I say
"Come on, lets go unpack." He says
"Okay." I say as we walk to my room.

After unpacking a lot of boxes and joking around Will says something that takes my breath away.
"Devon, I.... I wasn't completely honest yesterday about why I don't have a good relationship with my dad. I left a detail out."
"What is it? I won't tell anyone." I say
He looks me in the eyes and I see tears emerging.
"Devon.... I'm.... I'm... I'm gay. And I don't know how to tell my parents and they're extremely homophobic." He finally says. I look down.
"Oh...." I say as I look him in the eyes.
"Do you wanna know something?" I ask
"Go ahead." He replies.
"It gets better, and I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true." I say
"I wish Devon." He says.

Will curls up into a small ball on the floor while sitting up. I go behind him and I wrap my arms around him for comfort.
"You're the first person I've told, Devon." He says
"And I won't be the last. You'll get through this and you'll come out loud and proud." I say. A moment of silence sets in, but this time it wasn't awkward. The Will says
"Now about that booty."
I crack up laughing and he joins me. I release him from the hug.

Almost immediately after my mum walks in the door.
"Devon, I'm home!" She says
"Hey Mum, Will and I are just unpacking." I say back
"Okay, by the way Will you're staying over for the weekend. You're parents are going out of town for their anniversary." She says

I look at Will and then he replies.
"Did you know about this?" I ask him.
"Well this happens every year, but I never know when. Usually I stay in what is your room now." He says.
I start laughing, shortly after he joins me.

After unpacking Will and I watch a The Hunger Games.
"You ever seen this movie?" I ask figuring the answer would be no because of his family.
"Yes, but only because my dad thinks its what America could become." He replies.
"Ohhh...." I say as I nod my head.
I figured his dad was one of those people too. The complete Oklahoma package right next door. Exactly what I expected.

After watching the movie, Will leaves to get his stuff for the weekend and eat dinner with his family. It was a three day weekend so he was staying until Monday. I got on my phone and texted Julio. He was probably finishing up homework by now because he is 2 hours behind central time.

"Hey Babe." I say.
"Hey, I miss you." He says
I was so busy with moving I hadn't thought of missing Julio, but I guess that was this time again.
"I miss you more than anything." I say
"Also, Will staying over the weekend because its his parents anniversary." I continue.
"Oh, okay." He says
"Wanna record babe?" I ask
"Yeah! :D" he replies.

I open my curtains to let natural light in, I log into my computer and get on TeamSpeak.
"Devon!!!!!" I hear Julio call out.
"Julio!!!!" I reply.
"I've missed you're voice. I guess you're so busy moving into Oklahoma." He says
"Yeah, and you have school." I reply.
"So what do you wanna record?" He asks me
"Uhhhhh... Well, I wanna sing, and I wanna do MCSG." I say
"You can call it MC and Glee!" He suggests. I break out in laughter.
"Okay, MC and Glee it is!" I say

After a couple of hours of recording Will arrives. He knocks on the door and I tell him to come in.
"Who's that?" Julio asks
"Are you talking to JULIO?" Will asks
"Yes, Julio this is Will." I say
"Hi Will." Julio says
"Hi, OMG I'm meeting you. Uh, virtual hug!!!" Will says. Julio starts laughing.
"Okay!" He says.
"Babe, I got to go help out Will set up his stuff." I say
"Love you!" Julio says.
"Bye!" Will says and I hang up.

I get up from the chair and hug Will. He feels like a younger brother to me now because of how close we are. The way he open up to me so quickly was amazing.

"So, where am I sleeping?" He asks.
"You can sleep on the ground in my room if you feel like it. We can stay up all night and have a sleep over." I say
He laughs "okay!" He says.
"I brought my gaming laptop incase we wanted to play some Minecraft." Will says with a smile.
"Okay, you can set it up on the table." I say as I gesture to the table next to my desk.

He sets up his laptop on the table and I add him on Skype. I used my personal Skype, because even after I move away I still want to be able to talk to him and help him with his problems.

We gamed for a while. Teaming on SG and building in creative. He's one of those rare people who is good at PVP and building. It was fun to okay with someone outside of the cube and in person. Then we started talking to the cube members on Skype.
"So who do you want to meet?" I asked him.
"Uhhh..... DulJuice, Graser, and Bee!" He says.

After video chatting with them for a while. We decide to watch some more movies. Will likes horror movies so we watched The Conjuring. At the jump scares he would grab me and hug me. I think he feels a sense of protection and he feels like he can be himself around me. Then it hit me how much we effect people's lives online. How much our community changes people for the better.

After watching the movie, Will asks me if he can take a shower. I let him use mine because I don't care. He Adel in the shower. His voice was amazing, he hasn't ever sand infront if me before. He comes out of the shower in his pajamas.
"Sorry about my terrible singing." Will said
"No, it was amazing!" I said
"Everyone in my family says I'm bad. I've never really sang infront of anyone but them." He said
"Well I think we've made it official. You're family is a big fat dick." I said
"You have no idea." He replies with a smile on this face.

That night we stayed up until 3am talking. I decided to bring him in one of my videos. Not to play, but just to watch and enjoy my commentary.

"Hey guys, welcome back to another MCSG video and today I have with me my new neighbor Will!" I say
"Hi guys!" He says. I can hear him slightly pitching his voice to sound older. Surprisingly Will was a great commentator. He said his dream was to become a Youtuber and make videos. I have to say that he has the skills for it.

After editing the video and teaching Will how to edit. Will's phone goes off. I glance at the screen.

"Cameron: Devon is your neighbor?!"

Will looks up at me.

"Go ahead and tell him. Just tell him not to tell anyone where I live." I said

"Oh don't worry. Cameron is an online friend, he doesn't know my address. I'm not allowed to give that info out. We actually met through commenting on one of your instagram photos." He said
"Okay!!!" I replied with a smile. It wasn't long and people found Will on instagram and started following him.

It didn't help that he posted a photo of is together and tagged me, but I was okay with that.

The rest of the weekend was awesome. We went to the movies and played more video games. We did more videos together, it was great. Then he had to go home. That Tuesday was horrible I imagine. He had to put up with his family again. I wish I could just adopt him or something, but I can't. I looked out my window that Tuesday night. I saw Will on his bed curled up in a ball against his wall like he did Saturday. I guess that was his protective position. That was his version of the position everyone gets into whenever they feel helpless. It hurt me to see Will like that. Then I nearly passed out.

Julio's eyesWhere stories live. Discover now