Moving (short chapter)

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Devon's POV:

I keep asking myself and wondering if Julio was right and that I needed to be paying attention to him more than myself. The truth is I was so caught up with everything I had forgotten how much I missed Julio. He is there like usual, but everyone is actually here in person.

I can see Will in his room most of the time. He doesn't really care about his privacy between me and him, I feel honored to be that close with him. He doesn't complain about his family that often, but when I ask about it he pores his heart out into my arms and I can't help, but to show I care for him. He's going to grow up, lonely and afraid, and then eventually find someone to love, have, and hold every night.

Thinking of it makes me miss Julio even more. I miss the way he smells, like roses with a hint of axe body wash, and love. His eyes, his big eyes with his deep voice. He's not very good at singing, but that never stopped him. The way he laughs at even the corniest of my jokes. His lips and his warm body. I miss him so much.

Julio's family is great, his little brother, grandma, and mum. They're all wonderful people. I just wish that Julio's dad was here. He was a great man and I'm thankful for what he gave to this world. Life, his son, and love for so many people.

It's harder and harder to jack off. The feeling of Julio's hole around me made if harder, oh that soft hole. Snap out of it Devon and get your head out of the dirt.

My phone rings, it's a text from Julio.
"Hey babe!"
"You doing okay?" I asked
"Yeah, what you're doing for Will is great, keep up the good work." He replied
"Thanks, will do." I responded.
"You horny?" He asked
"Yeah.... ;)" I said.
I receive a picture of Julio's nudes.
I switch to the camera app and snap a picture. And send it to Julio.

"What's this?" I receive a text from Will.
"Omg Will, that was meant for Julio!"
I replied
"lol, okay. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He said
"Yeah, okay bye." I said in total embarrassment. I can trust Will not to leak that to the Internet.
I send the pic to Julio and this time actually Julio.
"Thanks babe" Julio says.

A few months pass and I'm ready to move back to Arizona where I belong. I'm going to miss being across from Will. My channel has grown so much, and so has Julio's. Will even started his own channel, but the cube has an age limit of 15 so he couldn't join.

I pack my stuff, say my Good Byes and move back go Arizona in an apartment.

The drive was a pain, I couldn't stop daydreaming of Julio and Will. Such a big part in my life now. During the drive back I learned to love love love Adele. I memorized almost all of her songs by heart.

I arrive at my new apartment. The first thing I do is unpack my computer. It was harder now that I didn't have Will helping me and the thought of him and Julio stuck in my head. I miss them both so much.

The second thing I unpack is the decorations. Mainly frames pictures of Julio or Will and I. I can only imagine their pain, it must be so much more than I am in right now.

Julio's eyesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora