Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Tomahawk's POV:

I wake up to Devon moving his weight. It's 7:00am. Minecon is over and everyone is going home.

Why can't everyone just stay? I asked myself of corse each of us have our own lives. We can't just drop everything.

I squeeze my arms around Devon, he wakes up and instantly breathes a deep breath in. He yawns and opens his eyes. Devon sits up and kisses me on my cheek. He was perfect in almost every way. He has his flaws like everyone else, but he was perfect to me.

We both knew what the other one was thinking: We have to pack up and leave. We won't see each other for a while.

After we packed up and had breakfast. We still had half the day before our flights. I don't think any of the cube members wanted to leave. Most of us were staying in the same hotel and had really bonded on a new level.

A few members of the Cube left early this morning, but most of us has later flights. Everyone was sad, whenever someone had to leave everyone crowded around them and gave them a big group hug. Oh the little things in life.

The hardest thing was
when I had to leave. I didn't want to leave Devon. Before I went to the airport Devon helped me load my stuff in the car.

After I shut the door Devon grabbed my shoulders and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tighter than he ever has.

I grabbed him back and we stood there for a good 10 seconds just kissing. I got in the Uber, I couldn't close the door because Devon held it open.

"Julio, having a long distance relationship is going to be harder than you think and I want you to know that I will always love you. There will be different temptations with other people. Just know I'm giving you my heart and I don't want you to break it."
I almost cried, but I held back my tears as much as possible. Devon leaned in for a kiss, his lips met mine, but he quickly pulled back and shut the door.

"Ah young love, so where we headed?" The taxi driver asked.
"American Airlines Airport please." I said.

It was a 30 minute drive to the airport. For the first five minutes nothing was said, then the car driver, Betty, asked me a question.

"You're not by chance here for Minecon are you?"

"Actually yes I am." I said

"My sons love Minecraft. They also love watching Minecrafters on youtube." She said with a smile.

"You wouldn't have of heard of ThatOneTomahawk would you?" She said with a smile on her face. I think she already knew the answer to that.

I glance up from looking at my feet.

"Julio." She begins "you need to take charge. I know you're only 15 years old, but you do have control over your life." She continues.

"How do you suppose I do that?" I asked

"You and Devon are dating right? And you're still in the closet, right?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked

"Julio, you're in charge of your life. So you get to make the decisions. I say, go after this relationship and tell your family you're gay, bi, or pan whatever you are. Just tell them, and see what happens." She said

"My family already knows I'm pan, it's not big secret." I said

"Oh, so it's the public eye and the kids from your school you're worried about." She assumed.

"Your assumption was correct." I replied.

"We'll it's your life and your decisions." Betty said again.

"Thanks..." I said

"You're very welcome." She said

The rest of the car ride I spent teaching her things about Minecraft. She was really interested, but I think she was doing it for her kids. She asked for my picture and an autograph for her sons. I have her what she wanted and then we swapped phone numbers. She promised not to tell anyone about Devon and I nor will she tell anyone my phone number. I laughed.

When I arrived home a I was so tired. The timezones were completely different. Minecon was in Florida and I live in California.

I turn on my phone and text everyone that I had arrived home.

That night I decided I would tell my mum, grandma, and brother I was dating Devon.

So I went out into the living room where they were all watching TV. They paused whenever I walked in.

"Okay Julio, you never come to us like that unless you want something or you want to tell is something." My mother said

I smiled and said "You know me too well." I sat down on the couch and asked

"Do you guys love me no matter what?"

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Okay, I'm dating Devon." I announced.

My grandma and mum were a bit shocked, but they soon reformed and said they were fine with it. My brother just laughed and said


I got up and walked back to my room.

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