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Ben's POV:

I was playing Hide and seek with Sally I was hiding in the TV to see who long it took her to remember I could do it. When I hear Nina and Jeff talking. Jeff want yelling for her to go away instead he was letting her talk to him.  I listen for a little bit until Nina leaves. "What did I just witness?" I ask Jeff as he looks at me confused. "Nina giving up I think." He said smiling "Thank fucking God!" He yelled. As he did Sally turned the corner "I found you Benney"she said excitedly. "Hiding in the TV is cheating." She pouted "I apologize, I'm don't playing for now ok" I said wanting to talk to Jeff more. "Oh ok, huh TOBY!" She sounded sad at first until Toby walked in. Sally takes him upstairs 'help me' he mouthed. Me and Jeff laughed  and shook our heads. "Why do you think Nina gave up." I asked when I heard sally close her door. "She said the she regrets everything that she did for me."
"And I do so deal with it love." She said as she went to the kitchen. She had stitched her face were it was cut like Jeff and she had removed the stitches around her eyes as well. She looked completely different. She was wearing a dress that jane had lended her. "You look different." I said as she passed. "Thank you." She speaks in a more of a Jane manner. "Oh and Jeffery I put you hoodies by your door." She smiled slightly. I was so confused on why she was acting like this she has always wanted to jump on Jeff everytime he walked in the same room as her. "Thanks I guess. And don't call me that."

Nina's POV:

Giving up on Jeff is the best thing I have ever done in years. I feel like a ton of pressure has just fallen off.  I walk in to the kitchen to see everyone staring at me. Jane smiled and asked,"How do you feel, love"
Tim looked at me then at Jane. "No we don't need to Jane's in this damn house!" He yelled as he ran up stairs. "I'm fine, I feel clean for once in over ten years. Obsessing over him was a wait of time and energy for us both and everyone one who got in the middle of it. I should probably say sorry to EJ later for hating him because of it. I'll do that when he comes down." I say trying not to open my face any more. "Honestly it feels good to be able to blink again though I sometimes forget that I can." Jane laughs at my words.

sorry for the short part. If you like this story enough to read this much thank you and please consider reading my other stories I my not be that good at righting but I feel I'm getting better

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