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No one:

Coming back to his shack EJ notices the door opened. He runs up and looks inside. There girl is gone and still alive. "FUCK!" He yelled and runs back to Slender mansion to tell Slender. She was supposed to be the knew recruit and he lost her. Its never good to lose a new recruiter.

EJ runs in the house panicking. Huffing her tries to catch his breath. He finally spits out a "I- I lost the girl." I look at him in condition and then it hits me the girl I sent him to get weeks ago. "You said you haven't found her, Jack." I say in a sturn voice standing up. "I, I lied I found her with her brother three days ago, but now she's gone and we need to find her." He says standing up straight again. I sigh in reply and start walking out the door. "I will be back in a couple days, Jane, Liu, you two are in charge. Jack you are to stay in this house until I get back." Jane and Liu nod and I leave. 'how can he loose a girl of 16.' I think to my self walking into the woods.


'What have I done.' I think as I sit on the couch. "So where have you been for the past week?" Jane questions. I only answer with a shrug. She sits next to me still waiting an answer. We sit in silence and her staring at me. " Staring is rude you know." I say to break the silence. She stops and gets up. "Fine I'll get it out of Jeff then." She walks away. "That was strange." I say to myself also cringing at a voice crack. I decided to go to my room. Over the past year Slender split me and Jeff out of the same room so I got my own. I lay on my bed and take my mask off. 'finally able to breathe,' I think as I stair at the ceiling. I keep my mask on because I don't trust anyone other than Jeff to see me without it, although it's hard to breathe through. I put my mask on my dresser and go to my bathroom. I look in the mirror, ever sense the day of the cult I've never looked at my self the same. I've seen myself as a monster and someone that I don't know. Ever sense I got here though it's been changing I know my self now. I only see a monster with a purpose to serve Slender in killing people I don't know. I laugh at that thought. Soon enough I get threw the shower and to bed. I stair at the ceiling once more. 'I wonder who he's living now, if he is.' is the last thing I think before drifting to sleep.

No one:

Managing to make it back to her house the girl calls the police. "I- I need help I'm sure he's noticed I'm gone. He probably is looking for me." She says with shaking words "ma'am can you tell me we're your at?" She tells the responder her address. "What does this man look like?" The responder asked next. "He has a blue mask with black stuff seeping through the sockets. His skin is grey, he killed several people infrot of me, including my brother. He ate their kidneys!!" The girl exclames, "Please stay clam, ma'am what is your name?" The responder asked her, "Kathy Raylene." She replies hesitantly, she gets told officers will be at her location in three minutes. Sure enough they were. Her wounds were treated and she was taken to the hospital and questioned. Meanwhile Slender watching her closely. He is beyond angery with EJ. That night while the Kathy is in the hospital he watches her like he did for everyone else. She didn't notice on the first night but when she woke up the next day there was a mask. It was a bright red and had a symbol on it, an circle with a X through it in black paint. On the inside there was a note it read,

"Kathy Raylene, I've been watching you and waiting, Jack was supposed to bring you to me in one piece. So in my apologies here is this mask to cover what he did to you. I'll be waiting by the abandoned park I expect to see you there by midnight tomorrow night. - In greatest apologize, Slenderman" Slenderman, it sounded familiar to Kathy. She put the mask on it seemed to fit perfectly and she could see clearly as well unlike any Halloween mask you would find. In that moment a nurse walked in but she didn't seem to notice the mask, so Kathy thought. After the nurse checked her vitals she left and came back with a doctor. "Kathy, right? I'm doctor Liam, I just need you to answer a couple questions for me if you don't mind?" She nodded and they talked most the questions were questions they would ask you in a mental health hospital. But the last few were strange. "Have you seen anyone with no face?, Do you plan or have planned on ever killing anyone?" Both answers to these were a "no" but the last one was a bit difficult for Kathy to answer. Not that she didn't want to but because she physically couldn't answer this one-, "where did the mask come from?" She wanted to answer but shouldn't, like something was holding a knife to her through so she couldn't answer. With no answer Liam and the nurse left still questioning where the mask came from. The rest of the day went on as normal all the nurses ignoring the mask. That night she wasn't able to sleep. Once she did she was waken up by rustling next to her bed. She opened her eyes thinking it was a nurse. To her surprise she saw a boy in a brown and blue hoodie. She didn't move, she didn't want him to know she was awake. Every few seconds one of his limbs would jolt suddenly. He would crack is neck once or twice. She couldn't tell what he was doing but he kept looking at her vitals before he left he took something out of his bag and placed it at the edge of the bed. He also wrote something out a note card. When he left Kathy sat up and looked at the foot of her bed. She picked up the note and read "hey I'm Toby Slender wanted me to give you theses, oh and I know your awake. I'll see you later." She was confused on how he knew she was awake, 'that must have been why he was looking at my vitals' she thought to her self. She hid the clothes under her blanket and went back to sleep.

The next day was as same as the last, nurses checking vitals, doctors asking questions, so on so forth. When night came around and the last vital check ended Kathy waited, she didn't know why she wanted to go so badly but she did. When the last nurses for the night left Kathy changed and snuck out through her window. Lucky she was on the first floor so the window wasn't hard to open. She ran twords the woods. Thanking the mask for hiding her face. Once she reached the abandoned park she looked around and saw no one. She sat on the only non broken swing to wait. She didn't have to wait longe before she saw a tall man with no face walking with three other people way shorter than him. One of them was running twords her. "Kathy! You ma-ade it, did you get my not-te, oh your wear-ring the mask Slender made." The boy said, he was wearing the same hoodie as the one of the night before. "So your Toby?" She asked the boy nodded as the other three stopped in front of her. "That's Sle-nder, the tall one, that one is J-Jeff, and that one is-," Kathy imedently knew the third one, "Jack."

"Jack." Shit she's pissed. Toby tics break the silence between the five of us. "S-so what di-d you do EJ?" Toby asked in-between clicks of his tongue. "Isn't she the girl from your shack EJ?" Jeff said as a follow up question. "Yeah, I may have killed her brother and stole her kidney, and fucked up her face, bit she's fine." I could fell her in raged glare fall over me. Jeff laughed and Toby fell silent. Slender introduce him self and explained why she is here. She walked passed me stating; "as long as you don't leave me alone with him he's fine." Toby looked at me then the three walked off.

hey guys sorry for the late update I hope you liked it, if you did drop a vote, comment and or a follow. And with 1488 thank you for reading :)

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