Data Entry 6

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There was a knock on his door which was unusual. Not many people knew where he lived in the first place. Maybe Othello. Maybe one other person. Adrian rarely had visitors and rarely wanted them. He could hardly remember if Vincent had ever been to his place but he didn't doubt that Vincent would be able to find it. 

Opening his door he saw Blavat's face smiling back at him. He frowned and closed his door, only for Blavat to catch it. "Please don't kick me out!" he pleaded. Adrian raised an eyebrow and applied more force to the door. Blavat tried his best to counter it. "I need a favor!" 

"Why are you asking me for a favor?" 

"Ah, apologies," a voice from beside Blavat. A well-dressed male with blonde hair. He looked like he belonged in an entirely different era. "My name is Professor William James Moriarty," he smiled, tilting his head slightly. Adrian blinked, wondering if he'd heard that properly. Did people really name their children after fictional characters? Or was this a weird type of alias? "Blavat suggested that you might be able to help me solve an equation." 

"An equation? What makes you think that?" Adrian stopped pushing the door and opened it properly. He crossed his arms, not allowing them into his apartment yet. 

"Aren't you a hacker? Don't you need to know about numbers?" Blavat laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. 

"This is, after all, more of a technology equation," Moriarty smiled. His smile reminded Adrian of Vincent, and like a sucker for a certain someone by the name of Vincent, he couldn't turn him away. Adrian sighed and allowed the two to enter. 

"Ah," he cut them off before they could continue, "please take off your shoes." 

"Hm?" Blavat tilted his head confused. 

"Shoes, off, please," Adrian gestured to the space beside the door for shoes to be deposited. 

Moriarty did so without further questions but Blavat was hesitant. Adrain stared for a moment, wondering why, when Vincent placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled. You're finally starting to connect the dots. His fictional creation whispered to him. 

I'm so proud of you, Uny. Victoria whispered into his other ear. 

Adrian stared at Blavat's shoes. They were heeled making him a bit taller than he otherwise would be. The height difference startled Adrian. Blavat laughed awkwardly and continued to scratch the back of his neck. Adrian turned and walked down the hallway to his office. There were papers all over the floor. He carefully stepped in the spaces in between them to get to his desk. Several computer monitors, mouses, and various other chaotic technology-related items. 

Moriarty smiled, without revealing any of his true thoughts. Blavat tried his best to follow Adrian's footsteps and not step on anything. The request for a lack of shoes made sense now. "What do you need me to do?" Adrian yawned and rested his chin on his hand. He'd been stalking news channels but nothing new or interesting was being released about the recent thievery. Besides, he was starting to believe that it wasn't related to Vincent at all. There was something strange about it. He had no reason to believe that Vincent wanted to draw public attention again. He was more into-

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