Data Entry 16

12 4 7

"ADR~IAN!!!" something of a teenager ran down the hallways and jumped onto Adrian from behind. He clung to him and hit his back lightly with a fist. "How dare you drop off of the face of the earth and not tell me anything! I tried to get Othello to tell me what was going on and he just smiled in that stupid way of his and told me to leave you alone and give you space! How could you?!" he sobbed. 

"V-Victor?" Adrian turned his head to see the angry crying face of his (kind of) patient. 

"Why did you just disappear?" he sobbed. 

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking about it and I was really wrapped up in myself at the time! I didn't mean to-" 

Victor sniffled and released Adrian. He wiped his face with his hands and huffed. "Well, you're back now, but..." 

"I'm really sorry Victor..." Adrian blinked, finally getting a proper look at him. "Did you get a haircut?" 

"Oh!" Victor reached up to touch his own hair. "Yes, I did." 

"You've gotten taller too," Adrian eyed him up and down. "I've missed a lot, haven't I?" 

"Yes, we have quite a bit of catching up to do-" Victor grabbed Adrian's hand and dragged him into a consulting office. They sat opposite to each other and Victor frowned. "Now spill." 


"Come on, you've been gone and you owe me this much. You talk first," he huffed. 



"I think I get the gist now," Victor sighed, holding his face. "You've forgotten all about him because of blocking out that traumatic event..." he muttered. 


"Should I tell you that though?" Victor sighed. "It doesn't seem right." 

"Victor, what are you mumbling about?" Adrian fiddled with his own hands awkwardly. 

"Does 'Vincent' sound familiar to you at all?" Victor crossed his arms, determined to play the therapist this time. 

"Vincent? Why are you bringing him up? I just told you we met the other day and-" 

"So, he doesn't," Victor shook his head. 

Adrian thought about it. Vincent did have a vibe that they'd met before. He felt familiar but Adrian couldn't place why. Maybe if they crossed paths again he would remember? But, he didn't have any contact information... 

"Listen," Victor raised his finger and pointed at Adrian. "You've met Vincent before but have forgotten about it." 

"Why would I have forgotten-" Adrian's eyes widened. "How embarrassing..." he hid his face in his hands. "The person Vincent was talking about was me, wasn't it? And I just rambled on like that...I'm such an idiot." 

"A big dumbo," Victor shrugged. 

"That would explain a few things," Adrian leaned back in his chair. "Like why I'm thinking about him a lot lately and why my phone was filled with a color I'm not particularly fond of..." 

"You don't like blue?" 

"Not particularly. Colors, in general, don't really click with me..." Adrian shrugged. 

"That's...surprising," Victor laughed. "You have a lot of color-palleted people around you. From what you've told me of Blavat, he is basically the embodiment of pinks and purples. And Vincent is blue..." 

"Maybe because of my disinterest in colors, I'm drawn to people obsessed with one or two colors. My brain is subconsciously attracted to someone interested in what I'm lacking as an attempt to mix opposing traits for the betterment of the species," Adrian's eyes lit up with curiosity. 

"Sometimes I forget how much of a nerd you are," Victor laughed. 

"Still though, how am I going to talk to Vincent about this?" 

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will come back. You told him to in your advice anyway." 

"I also told him that keeping his distance was the better method," Adrian mentally scolded his past self. 

"I have a strong feeling he will not be keeping his distance," Victor assured. 


"A simple reason," Victor smiled. "One I'm not telling you though..." he stuck out his tongue. It was because Adrian had a boyfriend that wasn't Vincent. There was no way that Vincent was going to just leave things as they were. It would be awkward to tell Adrian that he didn't. 

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