Data Entry 20

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Adrian didn't so much as regain his memory so much as he gathered more and more information about it from Vincent. In time though, he would remember on his own. But for now, he was enjoying just being with Vincent in a somewhat normal way. 

Make no mistake, though, these two were still just as messed up in the head as before. But this time, they kept a tight leash on each other. One thread of discontent or attempt to run away from the issue at hand, and the other would pull on the leash and force a conversation. It still wasn't entirely healthy, was the best these two buffoons could manage. 

"Do you want to go to a ball?" Vincent sat on the couch flipping through various news articles. One such article was advertising an event. 

"That is a bit too many people for me," Adrian admitted. 

"But it's a masquerade. Isn't that fitting?" Vincent smiled. 

"So, you don't want to know if I want to just want to know what you have to do to get me to go?" Adrian dried his wet hair with a towel. He'd just taken a shower. 

"You've seen through me, whatever shall I do?" Vincent dramatically threw his phone onto the other side of the couch and laid down. "Woe is me." 

"We better go," Victoria huffed, crossing her arms. "I would look fantastic in a dress." 

"I'll have you know, I can make a fantastic mask," Blavat spoke smugly. 

"I'm the one that asked..." Vincent huffed. "But I suppose you can choose who to go with. Or not to go at all," he shrugged. 

"I imagine Victoria would be the best option," Adrian sat down on the armrest of the couch. "Homophobes still exist, unfortunately." 

"There is a way around that," Vincent smirked. 

"W-what?" Adrian nearly fell off the couch, already not enjoying whatever it was Vincent was thinking. 

"Let's get this boy in a dress," Victoria's eyes gleamed, she moved her fingers in a way that made Adrian even more uncomfortable. And so, Victoria began to chase Adrian around his apartment for a considerable amount of time. 

This is but a snapshot of their future daily life occurrences. I'm sure you understand the drift. These two chaotic idiots will not be escaping each other any time soon. But, still, which one was actually the cat? Victoria would still like to know...

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