Data Entry 18

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"I got you a new shirt," Blavat held out a bag for Adrian. 

"You didn't have to," Adrian smiled, taking it. 

"But, I felt bad so..." 

"Thank you." He reached out and slid his hand over Blavat's shoulder for something of a half hug. Blavat obviously winced. "Are you okay?" 

"Oh, I'm fine, I just..." his eyes glazed over for a moment. "Huh? I can't remember why...but my back does hurt..." 

Do you even remember what Victoria was visiting you for? Her diagnosis... Adrian stared, watching Blavat's internal dilemma. He took a step back. Why couldn't Vincent tell him about his relationship with Victoria? What made it complicated? Adrian's brain hurt. You're an idiot, you know? The Undertaker's laugh filled his brain again. No. That wasn't right. He was the one laughing. His laugh was so loud it shut out his other thoughts but he couldn't stop it. 

I'm not another person. The Undertaker loomed over him from behind. You just don't remember. Just like you don't remember them. His long fingernail pointed to Blavat's concerned expression. Victoria and Vincent were leaning on either side of Blavat, smiling at Adrian.

"That's impossible," Adrian panted, holding his head that still hurt entirely. "There can't be three. They're the same perso-" he blinked and they disappeared. Only Blavat was standing in front of him, freaking out. He couldn't hear his words. Just the laughter that wouldn't stop. Then, he passed out. 

Blavat tried to catch him but they both fell. He held Adrian's body and panicked. "I don't know what to do. I'm not a medical professional. What do I do? I don't have a phone. I can't call for help." 

You're absolutely pathetic. Vincent said, taking control. He picked up Adrian bridal style and walked in the direction of his apartment. He clicked his tongue in disgust. Blavat's clothes were way too gaudy for his tastes but he just had to get there and then switch back. Adrian should be awake by that time and then Blavat could continue panicking. 

"Pathetic," Vincent repeated. He placed Adrian on the ground for a moment and searched through his pockets for the keys. Once he found them, he opened the door and then picked him up again to place him in his bedroom. He went back to close the door, locking it, and then grabbed a chair to sit beside Adrian. He reached over and moved his hair out of his face, taking out the ponytail to make it more comfortable. He was tempted to kiss him but he could see his eyelashes already starting to flutter. 

Vincent sat down. "I wish you'd fucking remember me already," he growled, crossing his legs and switching back. 

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