Data Entry 1

119 7 6

Adrian's eyes wandered over the hallway of the museum. The art on the walls wasn't what interested him. He was certain his latest lead was going to get him somewhere. Othello had told him to get out of that room, so he did, but he didn't leave his search behind. He took a sip out of his coffee and stared, waiting, for anything that might assist him. 

"Excuse me," a voice spoke. All Adrian could see was the flicker of blue. His heart skipped a beat until he realized it was the wrong shade. 

"Is there something I can do for you?" Adrian looked up at the face in front of him. He was a male in his late teens, probably, with dark circles under his eyes and a light shade of blue for his hair color. He was scratching his neck viciously and had trouble making eye contact. Likely an anxiety disorder and some past trauma there. 

"Food and beverages aren't allowed in this corner of the museum," he pointed to the sign on the wall and Adrian suddenly felt like an asshole. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Adrian stood up hastily and spilled the coffee all over the traumatized male. Feeling like an even bigger asshole, Adrian scrambled to find some sort of something in his pockets to wipe it off with. "I'm so sorry," he apologized, looking at the nametag, "Tomura." 

"It's...fine," he scratched his neck a bit more. "This happens more than you'd think..." he muttered and walked back over to the help desk. 

 "Hey," a guy with numerous tattoos and piercings stared at Adrian. "Aren't you going to offer to pay for that shirt? The uniform isn't free here." 

"It's fine..." Tomura muttered and grabbed this guy's arm, trying to pull him away. 

"It's not fine. This is the sixth time this week this shit has happened," he snapped. 

"Let's just make a deal, okay?" Adrian began. "You'll let me go for this and," he leaned in close to the guy's ear, "I'll keep it a secret about your business in the back." 


"Let's go," Tomura pulled his arm with enough strength to nearly knock him over and the male reluctantly closed his mouth. 


"Shut up," Tomura muttered, with force. 

Adrian watched the two leave and sat back down. He bit the back of his thumbnail and stared at the piece in front of him. It was a painting of a beautiful woman that very much reminded him of Victoria. 

"What are you doing here?" Othello sighed and sat down next to him. "You need to get over her, Adrian." 

"I can't." 

"What do you mean you can't?" Othello raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm going to find her, him, them, I have to." 

"You don't have to, Adrian," Othello corrected. 

"I do. You don't understand." 

"No, I really don't," he sighed. 

"I have to find him." 

"I don't see how staring at this painting is going to help you." 

"Excuse me," an individual with an intense love for glittery space accessories stood before Adrian. 


"Do you like this painting too?" he smiled in a way that eerily reminded Adrian of Vincent. He refused to admit to himself that he found this stranger attractive in any way. 

"Yes, he does," Othello smiled. 

"Have you seen the others by the same artist?" the stranger gestured to his pamphlet and pointed to a gallery a few floors up. Adrian said nothing. 

"I don't believe he has even made it to that floor," Othello answered for him. 

"You really must take a look," the stranger offered the pamphlet but Adrian shook his head. "I insist," his blue eyes glittered a bit, "you really don't know what you might find." He smiled once again and walked off. Adrian stared down at the pamphlet and flipped it over.

Stop looking for me, dear. It's really not a good look for you.

Adrian jumped up and turned to see which direction that man went but he was already gone. 

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