Data Entry 3

31 5 2

"So, this person you're looking for..." Blavat folded his hands and rested his chin on them. "Tell me what they're like." 

Adrian stared at the cup of coffee warming his hands. "On the shorter side, blue hair, a beauty-mark, and really enjoys vests. Sometimes a woman with heels and hair past shoulder length." 

"Oh?" Blavat smiled warmly. "Anything else?" Adrian suddenly got very irritated at the curiosity of Blavat. He frowned and took a sip of his coffee. 

"Are you not going to order anything?" 

"Right, sorry, I just..." Blavat scratched the side of his face and stood up. "Sorry," he apologized again and went to the counter. He ordered a cup of Earl Grey. Tea? Really? Well, actually, it might make sense that he was a tea drinker. 

Blavat came back with his teacup and sat down. He stared at the tea for a moment and then picked it up, sure to stick out his pinky in that way. 

"You have no actual interest in helping me, do you?" Adrian leaned his chin on his hand and stared at Blavat from behind his fringe. 

"What makes you say that?" Blavat frowned. 

"You've done all of this to try and get closer to me, haven't you?" Adrian sighed. "I'm not interested in trying to date anyone right now." 

"No, I know, but," Blavat laughed awkwardly. "I still want to get a bit closer to you. Is that so bad?" he smiled. 

"I haven't decided yet." 

"What?" Blavat blinked, confused. 

"I haven't decided yet if it's bad for you to want to get close to me or no-" Adrian's eyes were drawn to the screen of the television in the corner. 

Breaking News: Phantom Thief steals once again and leaves a calling card with a mouse-

Adrian took out his phone to look up the case. It happened just moments ago. What crimes was Vincent actually interested in committing? Was this really him? Why would he decide to go public right now? This was the third case so far but Adrian had no real proof other than the name that it was Vincent. 

"You get really focused very quickly," Blavat observed. Adrian said nothing. "You must really like this person, huh?" Blavat sighed. "That's too bad because I'm pretty sure he is dead." Adrian stopped staring at his phone and looked up. 

"What are you talking about?" his eye twitched. 

"I have a good sense of things," Blavat replied. "The stench of death really exudes off of the name 'Vincent Phantomhive'."

"He isn't dead," Adrian snapped. 

"What makes you so sure?" 

"He can't be..." Adrian insisted. 

"And why is that?" 

"He just can't be." 

"You refuse to believe it?" Blavat tilted his head. "Is this Phantomhive really so important to you that you will waste your life away trying to find him?" 

Adrian's eyebrows furrowed. Sweetie, you've missed it the second time. Adrian glanced to his right and saw Vincent standing there smiling down at him. Don't you think it's time you asked him about it? "Asked him about what?" Adrian muttered under his breath. He was still seeing Vincent even though he was certain it wasn't the real one. You know what

"How do you know his last name?" Adrian asked, staring Blavat right into those glittering blue eyes of his. 


"I never said his name." 

"At the museum, didn't you-?" 

"I never said his last name. I just asked you if you knew a Vincent or a Victoria." 

"You never-?"

"I never said his name." 

"I wonder where I heard it from then," Blavat held his finger to his lips and closed his eyes. 

Do you believe him? Vincent smiled at Adrian. He might be a bit mystical. You never know.

"Shut up." 

"I didn't say anything?" Blavat frowned. 

"Not you," Adrian snapped. Blavat stared, even more confused. "Are you going to tell me where you heard his name from?" 

"Oh, I think I remember now. I was in my favorite clothing store when I overheard two people talking about some Phantomhives. One of them was Vincent and the oth-" 

"What store?" Adrian stood up so fast his chair fell over. 

"No need to be in such a rush...I'll take you there-" 

"What store?" Adrian asked again. 

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