Data Entry 9

15 4 2

This was going smoother than Adrian had expected. Blavat had taken him back here on his own accord. No hoaxing needed. Now all he had to do was-

"We never actually made it to the secret room last time right? Because I went and almost killed myself?" Blavat laughed awkwardly. "So, let's get there this time and maybe..."

"We won't find anything," Adrian shrugged. "Vincent is very thorough and he told me to stop."

"Shhh, don't speak anymore," Blavat covered Adrian's mouth with his hand. "I don't want to hear your defeatist attitude."

"You're such an idiot," Adrian muttered behind the hand. He hadn't found the charm in loveable idiots until this moment in his life.

"This is the end of the hallway?" Blavat stared. He'd been careful to avoid the walls altogether. He didn't want to be the cause of another risky situation. Adrian had been watching his moves carefully. Vincent had walked this path frequently, no doubt, and even if Blavat didn't know the reasoning for his steps his body did.

"It certainly appears to be," Adrian sighed. He rested his hand up against the wall, this time triggering a trap and the floor gave way beneath them.

"I guess I'm not the only one to make mistakes," Blavat chuckled as they fell.

There was a splash and the two landed safely in a room with water. "This can't be good," Adrian moved his hands around the walls and tried to find some sort of clue. He could hear the sound of running water and although he could stand in this depth without too many issues, he wasn't the best swimmer. At his rate, he'd drown before ever attempting his final plan.

The water was now causing him to float with his head barely above the surface. Panic was setting in until Blavat grabbed his hand. "Can you swim?"

"Not well..." he could feel a tight chain wrap around his neck and body, pulling him under the water. A side effect of the panic. He knew no chain was actually there.

"Perhaps it's better this way," Adrian forced his entire body to relax and closed his eyes, falling into the water. He felt arms wrap around him and try to keep him above but his consciousness was fading. He couldn't discern reality from fiction right now. All he knew was that he desperately wanted to see Vincent so he did.

"I missed you," Adrian muttered, closing his eyes for the last time. 

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