Data Entry 2

42 5 8

Adrian took the stairs up to the floor the pamphlet designated. He ran as fast as he could and panted quite a bit once reaching the area. Othello didn't even bother to follow him. He just stayed where he was and shook his head, believing this to be just another wild goose chase. Adrian looked at the paintings one by one but found nothing interesting about them. He looked down at the pamphlet for any other clues but there wasn't anything there. 

"Sir," an individual with messy buns on the side of her head held out something for Adrian. "Is this yours?" 

"No, I didn't dro-" Adrian looked down at the letter. "Yes, that's mine," he took it and opened it as she walked away. It was a nice handwritten card. Brilliant penmanship. A nice royal blue ink. 

Dearest Dr. Crevan,

It's been a very long time since our last get together. I truly do miss those days. How long has it been now? Have you had enough of wondering if I was real or not? Well, I was going to leave you out there without a clue for a while longer, just to get those ol' brain cells working again. Unfortunately, one of my darling boys requested I put you out of your misery, so to speak, so here I am, writing you this little note. 

I doubt we will be seeing each other again. Don't take this too personally, darling, I just have a lot on my plate right now. 

Good luck in the future.


Adrian stared at the note and turned it over. Nothing on the back. He took out his phone and called Othello. His coworker and only friend at the moment answered immediately. "Couldn't you have just come back downstairs? I'm still here." 

"Did you do this?" 

"Did I do what?"

"Did you set this up?" Adrian's voice became agitated as he ripped the letter in half. 

"Set what up?" 

"Don't pretend," he snapped. "This isn't a letter from Victoria, Othello and the only other person who knows about her is you." 

"Oh dear," Othello sighed, defeated, "What gave me away?" 

"Victoria would never call me 'Dr. Crevan'!" Adrian raised his voice slightly and hung up. 

"You know, you aren't really supposed to yell in a museum," the male from earlier appeared before Adrian again. He eyed him up and down but had very little interest in someone that Othello put up to this. 

"I know Othello asked you to give me this," Adrian held up the pamphlet. 

"Who's Othello?" he blinked, confused. He didn't seem like he was lying. Adrian stared, trying to get a better grasp on his character. 

"A man about this high," Adrian held out his hand, "wild hair and thick round glasses?" 

"Oh, is Othello the man who was sitting by you downstairs?" he blinked, still confused. 

"He didn't ask you to give this to me?" Adrian clarified. 

"No, I just thought you might be interested in these paintings," he gestured behind him. "I've seen you here quite often and just thought we might-" Adrian brushed by him and took a look at the painting on the wall that would be in the same position as the one he was staring at downstairs, had the floor been moved. He squinted and looked closer, even taking a glance at the title. 

"A Cat Playing With its Food"

Adrian took a step back and stared at the painting again. He saw no cat, just a beautiful woman staring down with a smirk at some handsome men. Adrian bit his thumb's nail. If Othello didn't ask this guy to hand him the pamphlet, then who did? 

"Do you know anyone by the name of Vincent or Victoria?" Adrian asked him. 


Adrian remained silent. 

"Do you have a problem with me for some reason?" he pointed to himself. 

"No, sorry," Adrian shook his head. "I'm just trying to find someone that is being very difficult." 

"A lover?" he looked a bit defeated. 

"Something like that." 

"I see," he folded his hands. "Would you like some help then? My name is Blavat. I've been told I'm very good at finding people." 

"I don't think that will be necessary." 

Blavat grabbed his arm so that he would really stare him in the eyes. His blue eyes glittered once again. "I think you really should let me help," he smiled a bit eerily. It was unsettling for numerous reasons. Adrian knew he looked nothing like Vincent...and yet...

"I suppose you can." 

"Wonderful," he clapped his hands together and wrote down his number on Adrian's hand before walking away. 

"What a weird guy," Adrian stared down at his palm. "I didn't even know you could write numbers in morse code..." 

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