Chapter 18

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"Neal! Julie!" I was excised to see them, but I was confused as well. "What are you guys doing here? Didn't you passed on?"

They smiled and nodded. "Then why are you here?" They looked at each other then back at me. "We have been keeping an eye on you Jimmy." Julie said.

"We see how every night you wake up with the nightmare of our death." Neal chimed in.

"We just want to let you know that it's not your fault." Julie said.

"But it is my fault...if I didn't ask you, Julie, to help me find Neal you would probably be alive by now...And Neal if I didn't chase after you, you probably be alive by now as well..." They both forced a smiled.

"But you didn't know things were going to end like it did." Julie said. She walks next to me and hugs me.

"I miss you guys so much!" I began to sob. I was being embraced by both of them.

"We miss you too Jimmy. But you just got to let it go." Julie said.

"It's been 3 years since we died. We forgive you and we don't blame you." Neal said.

"And beside you avenged us." Julie said jokingly. We laughed.

"It's time for you to think about the good time we had and forget the bad ones." Julie said.

"We will always love you and watch over you." Neal said.

"Oh and there is one more thing. Turn around." Julie said. I turned around and I can hear my heart being so fast on the monitor.

Freddy and Scotty were looking at my monitor and then at me. They called the doctor and they did what they were doing.

I didn't pay attention much because what I saw was something more precious and amazing I just couldn't stop crying.

"Momma!" I said hugging her so tightly. "Momma momma momma." I said sobbing. She held me so tight. I just cried uncontrollably. All I can do is cry like a child that misses his mother and sees her for the first time in a long time.

"Momma I miss so you much!" I said still hugging her. "I miss you too baby." She cried as well.

"I miss you and your father." I looked up at her quickly. "You miss dad too?" She nod.

"I know what your father did was unforgettable, but I still love him and I saw how hurt he was when I died. I saw how much he loved me. He always talks to me about his day and how me misses me and how he needs my help. Your father is an amazing man." She said with a sincere smile.

"Dad always beat himself up for it and he never stops think about you." I told her. She smiled at me with a knowingly look.

" I know he does I watch over you guys. I'm here too tell you I love you and I miss you and to tell your father that I love him and he should move on. What happen with me was an accident." I nod and hugged my mother for the last time.

"I love you so much mom." I hugged her tightly.

"I love you too baby." She kissed my forehead and disappears to a light.

I turn around and looked at Julie and Neal.

"So this is goodbye, huh?" They nod.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" I hugged both of them.

"We are going to miss you too." Julie said.

"Remember that we love you and it's not your fault. You just got to let it go. Okay?" Neal said. I laugh and I nod.

"I think your ready." Julie said. I turn around and looked at my body.

My heart was at ease and Freddy and Scotty were sitting by my side.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Freddy said. Scotty nod and Freddy went to the restroom.

"Bye I love you guys!" I waved goodbye to Julie and Neal and they disappeared into the light.

I walked slowly to my body and lay on the bed. I felt this weird settling feeling even my soul and body connected.

I inhale a deep breath and I open my eyes. I turn around to see Scotty holding my hand but was laying his head on the bed. He looked pretty tried.

I squeezed his hand and his head shot up quickly. His eyes meet mine. He had the most shocking, overwhelming, and emotional look on his face.

"Jimmy! Your awake!" He leans in and kisses me do hard on the lip that I flinched in pain. He saw that it hurt a little so he quickly back away.

He was so excited that he ran outside and called everyone and the doctor.

Everyone rushed in and had a huge smile on their face and they all surrounded me.

"Thank God!" My dad said while looking up to the celining. He gently hugged me, afraid he might hurt me into a coma.

"Oh thank goodness you awake! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you want something to drink? Eat? Do you have to go to the bathroom?" My aunt Diana was asking billions of questions. Everyone laughs at her.

"I'm fine." I reassure everyone. It got quite got a while until everyone heard a flush and turned and saw Freddy coming out of the bathroom.

He looked around and notice everyone around me he was confused for a second then he realized I was awake.

"Oh my gaah he is awake!" He slowly but fastly walked towards me. "I thought you will never wake up." He said.

"Geee thank for the faith you had in me." I joked around.

He smiled and looked at me. "The doctor said it was probably going to take a few months for you to wake up." The doctor walks towards me.

"That's right you were not suppose to be up this early. It's really rare for some in your condition to be up. I'm going to have run some test to see how your body is doing." I nod and the doctor politely told everyone to leave the room. And they did.

After hours of being tested, x-rayed, and poked with needles, they doctor told me I have to say here for a month to make sure nothing goes wrong.

It got dark and there were no visitors allowed. But my dad's stay for the night. Even thought Scotty wanted to be by my side I had to have my dad alone to tell him about my mom.

"Hey dad." He scooted his chair closer to my bed and smiled at me.

"Yeah?" He looked at my eyes and I smiled.

"You know when I was in a coma I saw everything you guys did. I saw how you invited Freddy's mom for coffee and I saw when Freddy woke up." I looked at him and he was in shock that I was telling him this.

"Wow that's amazing how did it feel?" He asked me intrigued by it. I smiled.

"It was pretty weird, but cool in a way...there's something I got to tell you...and I hope you believe me because I find it hard to believe as well."

He looked a little unease but nodded his head. "I saw mom..." He looked at me with silence. So I went on. "She told me she misses us and she loves us very much..." I stared to get teary eyes. "She said she forgives you and she is looking over us...she also told me that you should move on...she told me how you talk to her at night and think about her...she wants you to move on and be happy....she happy's time for use to be happy too."

He hugs me and starts sobbing and I started to cry as well.

I know this is a new beginning and it's time for us to just let it go.

A/N: Hello Lovelies! this story is almost ending I hope you like this chapter. I have been busy lately. Sorry again for being late on this update but thank you for sticking around. I love you and thank you for you votes!

Love ya!

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