Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry for the delay post I didn't have Wi-Fi

here you guys go enjoy!


I hear someone in my room I look at the clock and it read 4:45 am. I get up slowly and look around to see who I would find. I walk to the window to open the curtains. I turn around and see Scotty. I got startled and walk up to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him looking around to see if my dad was awake. Scotty didn't say anything. He walks up close to me I can feel his breath clothes to my mouth. I feel my heart pumping fast. Our lips meet and we stared kissing hard and passionate. He throws me on the bed and he is taking his shirt off I bit my lip when I see his six pack and his muscular pecks.

He gets on top of me and stars to kiss my chest and I let out a gasp when he reaches down my package and tugs on it. I let out soft moans and when he comes up to kiss me. His faces changes.


"What's the matter Jimmy? You don't love me no more." He then laughs and pulls out a knife. I scream myself up. And I'm still screaming.

My dad runs in and holds me. I'm crying on his arms. "Its just a dream." He repeats trying to calm me down. I look at him I can see tiredness in his eyes. "Oh god I did it again. I'm sorry dad." I sob in his arms. "Its okay." He holds me tight.

I look at the time and its 5:33 am. "You should go back to bed I'll be fine dad." He nods and walks back to his room. "God what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I still having dreams about him." I said to my self out loud. Oh that's right he died because of me. All because some psycho liked me and tried to ruin my life.

Minutes later I went back to sleep and woke up at 8:30 am. My head was hurting so bad. I grab some clothes, lay them on the bed, and went to the bathroom. I hear laughter down stairs, but I ignore it and went to take a warm bath. After I let the warm water sooth my body I was wide awake. I walk to my room changes to my clothes I had ready. And went down stairs.

My dad was down stairs with my uncle John and Scotty's dad Richard. "Good morning fellas!" I greeted them like nothing had happen early in the morning. "Morning." They all said in harmony. I went to the fridge and I notice we didn't stock at all. "That reminds me we have to go to the store and by some food." I mention it to my dad.

"Well your aunt has food at the house." He then tells me. "I know, but what if I wake up real early and what to make something to eat?" He rolls his eyes and hands me his credit card. "Thank you." I smiled big and went up stairs to get my drivers license and then went outside to go to my car. I get in and close the door. I start the car and drove of to the town's market.

As I made it to the market safely. I parked the car and walk to the store. The store was kind on of empty all you can here is the country background music. I grabbed a cart and stared to put things that we need like I always do when I go grocery shopping.

When I grabbed a box of cereal someone bumps next to me I turn around and turn to look at a tall man wearing pitch black glasses and his hair has that sexy messy morning hair. "Rex?" He looks down on me. "Do I know you?" He said a little tired and confused. I laugh. "We met at the bar yesterday. I'm Jimmy."

He then looks up as if to see his memories. "Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy... Ahh! Jimmy the bull rider!" He then said like he just won the grand price. He the winched and rubbed his temples. I hold my laugh. "Yes Jimmy the bull rider." Jimmy the bull rider? Really? That's how he remembers me? Shaking my head.

"How's it going man? Is your boyfriend still mad at me?" My cheeks flair red at the though of Scotty being my boyfriend. "Uh no he is fine now." I lied. I really don't know if he is mad at him or not or if he just forgot about it. "I didn't mean to disrespect you and sorry if I did." I give him a smile to let him know I didn't take it personally When I get drunk I tend to say stupid things." Or you tend to tell the truth. "It's okay I understand."

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