Chapter 16

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A/N: One again, Je suis tres desole, I'm very sorry that I'm lagging really. I just have writers block and don't have time because I'm in the middle of finals in my college career. But I'm writing this chapter for you guys and I hope you like it.

It's been a 2 week and Scotty and I have been at it like two dogs in heat.

He always takes me to his house when his family is not around and makes love to me likes there is no tomorrow. I have never felt this happy in my life.

I can finally say that I'm complete over the whole Neil situation.

More and more time I spend and sleep with Scotty the less and less nightmares I have off Neil.

I'm happy to say that I'm finally over this whole mess that has hunted me for years.

"Hey babe lets go hand out with Freddy and Rex?" Scotty asked me while we were watching tv.

Freddy and Rex have been hanging a lot lately. I have been rooting for them to get together, but they just want to keep it as friends.

As for Bryson he still upset that he had lost the guy that he clams he loved. I feel sorry for the guy to be honest.

But if he really loved Freddy, like he clams he does, he would have respect him in the first place and probably outed himself for him.

"Sure make let me just get ready." I got off the couch and headed to my room.

I put on a pare of jeans and white t-shirt I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on.

I ran down stairs and smiled at Scotty. "I'm ready!" I jumped on top of him and gave him lustful kiss.

"Alright let's go pick them up." He said while grabbing his keys.

We got in the car and we starred to head to Freddy's house. "Did he text you the address?" I nod and have him the direction.

We arrived to Freddy house.

Moments later he jumps out of his house and jogs toward the car. "Hey" we all greeted.

"Ready to go and pick up Rex?" Scotty asked. "Yup" Freddy and I said in sync and we laughed.

I texted Rex and he gave me his address. I have the address to Scotty and he put it on his GPS.

"All right here we go!" Scotty said and he headed to towards the freeway.

"So Freddy how are you holding up?" He gave me a weak fake smile. "I'm doing great." He said in a small tone.

I give him a small sympathetic smile and looked ahead of the road. We were in the freeway already.

"How far does he live?" I asked.

Scotty looks quickly at me then at the road. "About 45 minutes." I nod.

As we read 1 mile till the next exit. A car losses their wheel. "Look Out!" I screamed. Scotty hit the car and we flipped over.

Everything went in slow motion. All I could feel is my body moving around from the spinning car. I hear other car crashing and hitting each other. I hear cars screeching and honking.

As the car came halt, I look around everything was blurry.

I see Scotty and see blood dripping down his face.

I look at Freddy and he is unconscious.

I hear Scotty's voice calling my name. I feel my head throb and my eyes slowly beginning to close and then went to a dark abyss.

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