Ch 16:Celebration

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Dark Pov

I was talking with my dad about my car when my mom came in.

Mom:What are you two talking about?

Dark:My car.

Mom:Oh. I see.

Dark:Also dad. Where did you get my car anyway?

Dad:It's my old one.

Dark:Old? That thing is bran spanking new.

Mom:Wait. Kevin don't tell me all the weapons on that thing is still armed.

Dark:Weapons? What weapons.

Dad:Oh shit!

He ran to the garage, and unlocked my car. He then pushed a button and a shit ton of guns came out.

Dark:Holy shit!

Dad:Damn it.

Dark:You left armed weapons on my car?!

Dad:Hey. First off it used to be my car, and second it went through several rebuilds that I forgot that they were in there.

I put my hand on my face.

Dark:How many times has it been destroyed?

Dad:15 times.

Dark:And Katsuki ruining the left side would be 16?


I sigh.

Dark:You know what?

I thought about saying something, but knowing my dumb luck I would get my ass in trouble.

Dark:Forget it. Just find a way so when I do push a button it won't shoot a missile or something.

Dad:Will do.

I went to the living room to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My mom came in with the mail.

Mom:Dark. A letter came in for you.

She gave me the envelope. I opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes.


Mom:What is it?

My uncle took the letter from me.

Ben:Dear Parents of Dark Tennyson, we are proud to tell you we've accepted your son into our school. We look forward to having him in class.

Mom:Congratulations Dark!

I was jumping for joy and screaming yes.

Dad:What's going on?

My uncle gave my dad the paper.

Dad:Oh my god. Great job Dark! You know what? Dinner is on me guys.


I then remembered that Yang, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were there. I called Ruby and Yang.

Dark:Hey girls.

Yang:Dark we're in!

Dark:That's great Yang. How about Blake and Weiss?

Yang:They made it too. And Weiss's dad invited us to have dinner at Sonic.

Dark:Kinda out of place.

Yang:Yeah. But that's the place that Weiss wanted to go to eat.

Dark:Yeah. But hey free food.

Yang:Yeah. See you later.

I climbed into my dad's car and we drove to Sonic. We all ate and had fun for a couple of hours then we went home to get ready for the next day.

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