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So I have decided to take a break from my bakugan story and work on my obsession with the villain Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. You know, the sexy tall guy with long silver hair, sharp sword, and a missing appendix, much like Sesshomaru from Inuyasha with his cut off arm, Sephiroth has a cut off wing, hence the nickname "one winged angel". Now, I've never played Final Fantasy, nor do I know the plot. And I'm not saying that I won't do my research and make the story about Sephiroth only. I'll try to add some action along the way as I write, and I won't forget about the romance that'll possibly blossom between the main character and the Final Fantasy version of Sesshomaru. I will not add a bio to her, but you'll learn more about her as you go along. Now here's a picture I found on Google of Sephiroth and the Pokemon Pichu. Notice how he's showing his nurturing side for the little creature. That's basically where I got my idea from. He kidnaps Lillian, holds her hostage just to finish cloud off once and for all, and later finds that he's actually feeling the emotion we call love. For now, I'll leave you with this, and as the days go by, I'll write and look up what I need to so the book isn't just about romance. While you wait, enjoy my other books I've written!!!

 While you wait, enjoy my other books I've written!!!

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One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now