Snitches get Stitches

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"Vincent! You lied! A couple of days really means a couple weeks!" Yuffie huffed.

"It's not my fault Zack tripped on a rock and twisted his ankle." Vincent shook his head at a groaning Zack.

"That rock was in my way! So I'm so sorry we have to remain in a hotel until my ankle heals! Jesus Christ man...." He laid back in the bed.

"Just be more careful next time Zack, thats all. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside." Cloud stepped out the shabby hotel room and sighed. Zack always was clumsy for a guy who loved to act silly. Was it a mistake for me to cheat on Lillian though? No, she deserved it for making me wait all this time. Could anyone blame her? Lillian was too shy to do anything sexual, and she never felt comfortable taking off her clothes. Cloud was so lost in thought, he didn't notice Genesis reading his book in the chair next to him.

"Cloud Strife. I knew you'd be here. Listen, there's something you should know." Genesis made Cloud jump and turn to attack.

"What do you want Genesis? Haven't you done enough?"

"Now now, I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else. I just want to talk, man to man." Genesis slinged his arm around Cloud. Cloud pulled away immediately.

"What can you possibly want to talk about that made you come all the way out here?" Cloud leaned against the wall.

"It would seem like Lillian wasn't able to keep her legs closed until marriage." Wait, what?

"What do you mean by that? You're not joking are you?"

"I would never. Anyways, Lillian gave herself up to Sephiroth, and get this: they're dating too! And that's not all! He even asked her to carry his child!" Cloud's mako eyes widened. Could it be that the great Sephiroth was able to seduce her? No, Genesis is lying.

"How do you know all of that?" He just had to know.

"I was the one who cooked dinner for them, I didn't have much of a choice. And on my way back up to my room, I heard your dear Lillian moaning his name." Cloud couldn't believe what he was hearing!

"Why are you telling me all of this? Because if you're trying to make me jealous, then congrats! It's working!" How come she gave herself to the enemy?!

"Because Sephiroth doesn't really love her. He plans on killing her right in front of you just to piss you off. That's the only thing he failed to tell her. In fact, They're going another round as we speak. I can practically hear it now." Genesis let out his wing.

"I have to go. I just thought you should know about Lillian and Sephiroth. See you around Cloud." Genesis saluted before disappearing into the night. Crap. It was shocking to know that Lillian, who despite being shy, opened her legs and slept with his enemy. What was she thinking?!

"We need to leave first thing in the morning!" Cloud announced as he stormed back in.

"What's wrong Cloud? You seem tense." Tifa massaged his shoulders.

"Yeah man. What's going on?" Aerith helped Zack sit up.

"I'll explain as soon as we leave tomorrow. All you need to know is that Lillian isn't as innocent as she makes out to be."

Meanwhile at the shinra mansion.....

Lillian woke up next to her silver haired lover feeling refreshed, as if last night was the best night of her life. She rolled over and stared into his captivating eyes. He held a bowl of fresh strawberries in his hands.

 He held a bowl of fresh strawberries in his hands

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"Good morning my gorgeous goddess. I assume you slept well, given last night's events?" His voice was so husky and deep, but yet so seducting. She bit her lip, enticed to repeat what they did.

"Oh yes my love. In fact, I feel like a true woman, thanks to you." She shyly tucked her hair behind her ear. He chuckled lowly and grabbed her bare waist, putting down the bowl.

"You know, it's still early. What do you say we have another round of vigorous love making, hm? That is, if you think you can handle it." He teased her, his large hands wandering to her ass.

"All I got to say is, bring it on and give me everything you've got." Just as they were about to make out, a loud bang made the two jump up.

"Sephiroth! Get out here!" Angeal called through the door. With a rather annoyed groan, Sephiroth got out of the bed, put all but his shirt on and hurried out to where Angeal was.

"I can't find Genesis anywhere! You haven't seen him have you?!" Sephiroth and Angeal searched the manor, unaware of the red head sneaking in through Lillian's bedroom window. She didn't notice him until she got her clothes on and her hair brushed.

"Genesis! Sephiroth and Angeal are searching for-" Genesis quickly draped his hand over her mouth.

"Hush up you loud mouth. Whatever you do, you cant tell them where I was!" He hissed.

"And if you decide to be nosy like last time, I'll tell you. But you have to keep your pretty little mouth shut." He released her once she nodded slowly.

"I went to visit Cloud and had to tell him about what a whore you are." Lillian's eyes widened.

"What I do with Sephiroth is none of your business Genesis! I'm so telling him!" Before she could run off, she was pulled back, a sharp object to her neck.

"Oh no. We're not doing this. If you're gonna tell him something, tell him that you're still madly in love with Cloud." What?!

"But I'm not-"

"It'll break his heart, but more of a reason to kill you in front of Cloud like he planned." Sephiroth wants to do what now?!

"Sephiroth would never hurt me! And I won't do that to him!" She protested.

"Oh it's either you keep your mouth shut about where I was, or I tell him you're still in love with Cloud. Your choice toots." He let her go and left her with a choice: give away where he was last night or risking telling a lie.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now