Part one: Another Man's Scent

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"I'm sorry you had to see the truth for your very eyes. You didn't deserve to get your heart broken like that." Sephiroth sat in front of the fireplace in her bedroom, soothing her.

"Why didn't I believe it the first time? Am I that naïve?" She sat in his arms, trying to get the horrible scene out of her brain.

"When you're in love, it makes you do crazy things and say stuff that you never say. If you want my opinion, Cloud and Tifa were always meant to be." Wow. Lillian never thought she'd hear that come out of his mouth.

"Am I not destined to be in love again? Will I never have the life I've always dreamed of? Am I so dumb, that I have to fall in love with the first guy that wants to have me? Is my decision to wait til marriage to make love so pathetic? Will i-" she kept questioning herself, but she was stopped mid sentence when she was being kissed by the man who kidnapped her. The kiss became passionate, and his lips felt cold, but burned hers. She wrapped her arms around his hot neck, returning the kiss. What was this spark that suddenly started a fire in her body? Was this feeling similar to what she felt when she met Cloud? The kiss came to a stop, their breaths hot and heavy.

"I wish you'd shut the hell up sometimes. You're nosy and full of sass, but I love it. You could say that I live for it. Every time you talk, I just want to shut you up, but I crave the sound of your heavenly voice." He lifted her chin up and made her look into his eyes. What is he trying to say?

"Sephiroth........." He kissed her once more, but with more passion than before.

"Would you like to watch a movie? Perhaps a horror film of some sort? Or, would you care to read a novel by the fireplace?" Those two ideas sounded so romantic! What is he trying to do? The kiss was so hot, all she could do was nod her head slightly.

"Good girl. I'll be back in a minute." Sephiroth stood to his true height, and ran his rough fingers through her hair before leaving her alone. What was his intentions? Is he changing for the better? Or is it simply part of his plan to anger Cloud? All she knew, was that she never felt that kind of spark before, and it was just a kiss! She sighed happily. Either way, she loved it when he kissed her. The way his wet warm tongue barged into her mouth, wrestling with hers. The thought of it created a throbbing feeling down south. Wait stop!!! She slapped herself a few times. She can't be having these thoughts about the enemy! Hello, this was the same guy who got Cloud sick, injured, and moody. She can't be falling for him, is she? She stared into the fireplace, lost in thought. Lillian was so spaced out, she didn't notice a man in crimson sneaking in through the half open window. Sephiroth had opened it slightly to let in the summer breeze.

"Lillian." A low voice made her jump up in fright. She glared at the man standing like a statue in the dim light of the hungry fire.

"Vincent!!" She recognized the gun strapped to his hip and jumped up into his arms.

"Are you alright? Your heartbeat is louder than usual." Classic Vincent Valentine. He knows her better than she does. After all, he practically raised her after her real parents dumped her like trash.

"I'm just glad you're here. You'll never believe what Cloud did." He set her down gently and sat in front of the girl, nodding at her to go on.

"He cheated on me for Tifa. Like, am I not enough for him? I gave him everything, and he goes and loses his virginity to my best friend! What the hell was he thinking?!" Vincent let out a low groan. He wasn't annoyed at her, just upset at Cloud for cheating on someone who was always there.

"Lillian, I'm sorry you had to see the truth. Tifa and Cloud had planned to get together for so long, I guess he had forgotten about it when he met you."

"So you knew that we wouldn't last?"

"I had a slight feeling, but I concealed it in case I was wrong. You need someone who understands your true self. Someone who'll respect your every wishes, even if it's waiting til marriage to have sex." Lillian's lips formed a small smile.

"Thanks Vinny."

"Don't call me that. You know better." He looked away, embarrassed.

"Or what? Vinny?" She teased, smiling ear to ear.

"You're dead little one." He called her by the nickname he made up when she was younger, pinning her down on the floor, tickling her sides.

"Ah! Vinny! Stop! Please! I can't! I can't breathe! Vincent!" She laughed. Suddenly, a pair of footsteps approached the bedroom, and Vincent gave her one last look before he vanished out the window. Lillian stood up quickly.

"Sorry that took so long, I got caught up in something important. You ready to-" Sephiroth stopped dead in his tracks, inhaling the air. Shit.

"Come here." He demanded, pointing at the floor in front of him. Double shit. She carefully walked up to him, eyes on the floor, and her face flushed. She became flustered as he grabbed both her shoulders, smelling her neck. Oh god, his breathing on her neck felt so good.

"Why do you smell like another man?" He sounded so pissed off.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about.. Oh!" Sephiroth slapped her so hard, she hit the floor.

"See what happens when you lie to me?! Now, I'm going to ask you again.. Why do you smell like another man?" He asked slowly. Lillian's face stung, her tears running. She backed away from him.

"I'm not telling you! Leave me alone!" She grabbed the nearest object, getting ready to haul it at him for defense.

"I dare you to throw that at me. Go ahead. Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." He smiled a mischievous smile, taking slow steps towards her.

"I'm warning you! Don't come any closer! I will do it!" Her whole body became stiff, afraid of this man. He was hot, but so scary when he was mad. Her arm holding the object jerked, causing her to accidently throw it, breaking upon impact hitting his armor. His eyes narrowed, and she saw literal flames burn around him.

"You've been a very bad girl. I'm going to have to punish you. Genesis, grab her and take her to the chamber. Angeal, clean up this mess. Oh, and feel free to man handle her Genesis. I want her as bruised as possible." He walked off, leaving his accomplices.

"Come here you little bitch!" Genesis tackled Lillian to the ground, tying her wrists together. He pulled her and dragged her until they reached a horribly lit room. She shivered. It was freezing!

"Do you wish for her garments to be stripped of her?" Genesis asked as Sephiroth walked in.

"I'll do all that myself. Now leave us." He pushed her onto a cold metal table, strapping her limbs tightly.

"Should I go easy on you? No, I don't think I will. After all, you refuse to tell me why you smell like another man, and on top of that, you threw a very valuable vase at me, your master. I've been letting you get away with not calling me master, but I regret it. You're about to be in so much pain, you'll wish you were dead." He walked around her, his sword lightly touching the fabric of her clothes.

"Please don't! I'm begging you!" She squirmed her torso.

"You see my little lily, the only problem is that I no longer care how much you beg. I'm still going to inflict pain upon you. Now, these shall go off." He gripped her shirt, tearing it in half.

"Don't!" He grabbed her face roughly.

"Shut the fuck up. My intentions were to not punish you, but your lack of respect has caused that to go down the drain. So shut your pretty little mouth and take it." He reached for a horse pill.

"Now, you're probably wondering what this is. Well, this will be the source for all the pain. Open wide my little lily." He forced her mouth open, placing the pill on her tongue and kissed her long enough for her to have no choice but to swallow it. She screamed out, her body throbbing with the most pain possible.

"I'm going to leave you down here until the pill wears off. I'll be back for you my darling." He kissed her harshly, biting her lower lip til tasted metallic. Lillian whimpered, wishing she was at the bar, having a nice cold drink in hand.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now