Guilty All the Same

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"You let them take her?!" Cloud flipped a bar stool in blind fury. He had just learned that Tifa gave his first love to the bad guys, and for what?

"I'm so sorry Cloud. I just thought I'd save the expenses of the bar." Yuffie slapped the bar owner hard.

"Oh that is bullshit! 'save the bar' my ass!" Yuffie held her weapon to her friend's chest.

"Hey hey hey! That's enough, both of you! Yuffie, go check on Marlene and cool off for a minute." Aerith nudged her upstairs to check on the little girl who thought of Lillian as a big sister.

"Now, just admit it Tifa. Tell him the truth. He's bound to find out anyways." She sat next to her lover . Tifa sighed heavily.

"Okay I didn't do it to save the bar. I did it to get rid of her. Are you happy now?!" She turned away, upset that a guy like Cloud cared about a blond girl like Lillian.

"Why would you do that?! She meant the world to me! We were gonna get engaged! We were finally gonna have a life together and maybe settle down!" Cloud snapped, punching his hand on the bar counter.

"We were supposed to be together! If emo boy over there hadn't saved her, we'd be the ones getting wed and having a family!" She argued.

"Hey now,watch it Tifa. You two have been close ever since I saved her life. Why couldn't you set aside your love for the same man? Because you're a jealous bitch, that's why." Vincent scoffed, followed by shocking "oo's" and snickers from Zack and Reno.

"I can't even look at you right now. Come on every one, let's go find her." Cloud walked away from her, furious.

"I don't understand why I have to go with you." She sat on the counter as she watched him pack for the journey.

"Oh don't worry about it." He said in a normal tone.

"Wait why?" She tilted her head.

"Because Tifa, you're not coming with us. I'm pretty sure Lillian isn't gonna want to see you after what just went down." He placed a picture of his girlfriend in his duffel bag.

"What?! Ugh, fine! I don't care about going anyways! I got a bar to clean up and prepare for opening!" She wiped down the tables and counter and sighed when the group finally left. Who cares about a stupid girl? Technically, it was the fact that she didn't know how to fight that caused her to get kidnapped. Vincent was too afraid to even let her hold a knife out of self defense. But, why was guilt creeping up so sudden? Fucking hell.

"Miss Tifa, where's Lillian?" A tiny hand tugged at her shorts. Marlene was looking up at her with curious, but sad eyes.

"Marlene, why are you up? It's very late." Tifa picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"I can't sleep. I miss Lillian." The young child cried.

"Don't cry child. Your father will be here soon to pick you up." The little girl whined.

"I want Lillian! Where is she?! She told me she'd come back to read me a bedtime story!" Tifa wrapped her arms around the fragile little girl and rocked her side to side.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who had everything, but little did she know there was a witch who wanted to be just like the beautiful girl. One day, the girl got kidnapped by some dragons, and told the witch to pick between beauty and everything the girl had or her own life. So, the witch chose the first option." Tifa sighed deeply.

"Oh no! That poor girl!" Marlene gasped. Tifa continued. "Little did the witch know, the evil dragons lied to her and didn't give the witch what she had wanted from the start. Instead, guilt was calling her name and taunting her for what she's done." Just in time, a tall man in black walks into the bar, picking up the sleeping child.

"I heard what happened. You alright Tifa?" The man, Barret asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Listen, I have to go take care of something important. Will you watch the bar while I'm gone? I promise I'll explain everything later." The man nodded his head, cuing Tifa to go and catch up with the others.

"Wait for me!" She ran up to the group walking out of Midgar.

"I thought I told you that you couldn't come." Cloud ignored her.

"I know, I just feel guilty for what I did, and Lillian didn't deserve her own friend to stab her in the back like that." Cloud blushed a little, not returning her gaze.

"It's okay Tifa."

"Sorry to interrupt the awkwardness, but, where the hell are we going? Do we even know where they're keeping Lillian?" Zack linked his fingers at the back of his head. Shit! He's right!

"Cloud, you're the leader out of all of us. Where should we go?" Aerith asked the hero.

"I think we should look in different cities. Vincent, can you gather some information about where she might be? Oh, he's gone." Cloud looked up from his feet to see that Vincent was already on his way.

"I'll let you know what I've gathered. And if I see her, I'll bring her back. You've got my word." Was all he said before he vanished.

"I just hope that poor chick is okay. Hey Cloud, are you still a-" Zack's eyed lit up when he saw Cloud's hands were holding Tifa's.

"Aerith, look." He whispered to his woman.

"Oh my god. Lillian is not going to be happy. Hey Tifa, come join us girls." She pulled her away and scolded her for doing that to Lillian. Zack walked next to Cloud, and smacked him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Cloud punched his best friend in the arm.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing? You got a perfectly good girl waiting for you to save her, and here you are holding another woman's hand." Zack tssked.

"You're right man. Sorry." Cloud looked up at the sky. Why was he losing feelings for her, and learning who he really loves?

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