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Lillian awoke on a bright dewy morning to Angeal holding a tray of assorted breakfast food. Why was he doing this? Was it because Sephiroth asked him to? Or did it have something to do with his little crush on her?

"Good morning Lillian. I thought I'd bring you some breakfast in bed. I hope you like wheat toast with strawberry jam, scrambled eggs, a bowl of fruit,and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice." The girl giggled and gave his smooth face a thank you peck.

"Thank you so much Angeal. You did not have to go through so much trouble just for a person such as me. I can be such a nuisance sometimes, I wonder if it's a chore just to take care of me." Angeal gasped, acting shocked.

"My lady, there is no need for words like that. It was merely my duty to make sure you get your nutrients. I have to keep you healthy and perfect when Cloud comes to rescue you." Lillian let out a small gasp when she heard her boyfriend's name.

"Oh. Well, thank you Angeal. If that is all, then you can leave if you wish." She began eating the eggs while they were still hot. Dang it, I had to say that name. Now I got her all upset. Great job Angeal. Some guy you are, Angeal thought to himself as he bowed and left the bedroom, the empty tray of food in hand. Part of Lillian wanted to miss Cloud, but for some reason, the other wants to call it off. Despite how happy the couple was to the group, in reality, they weren't. Cloud used to ignore her when she wanted to be loved, even though depression took over her from the hero being gone, he didn't care to even ask how she was. Their love rarely showed, a simple kiss on the cheek or something as small as hand holding. Once, Cloud became so paranoid, he attacked her, leaving her with a deep slash on her arm and a black eye. It wasn't his fault. Something caused him to act like that that faithful night. It was her fault she tried to touch him. Oh, but he was so cute. Maybe a walk through the mansion will help her take her mind off of it.

"I wonder if Genesis is around. I need someone to escort me to the garden." She said to herself as she got changed into a plain blue dress and set off to find him. The place was so big! Now it's not hard to see why a second party is needed, cause it's easy to get lost! Suddenly, a peaceful melody rang in her ears, beckoning her to follow the noise to the piano room. She was about to open the door when she heard something slam against the wall. She pressed her ears to the door, trying to listen.

"No! We must tell her!" Angeal?

"Will you keep your voice down? You're gonna attract the girl." Genesis growled.

"Now now, Genesis, he's right. The girl deserves to know what I've seen." Sephiroth protested calmly. All of a sudden, Lillian glanced down at her feet and screamed when she saw a rat nibbling on the bottom of her dress. The little creature ran away when Genesis ran out to where she was, dragging her by the back of the collar around her neck.

"You have five seconds to explain yourself to Sephiroth!" He threw her on her hands and knees in front of his master, who was smirking mischievously.

"I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I was just trying to follow the sound coming from this room! Please don't punish me Master Sephiroth!" She bowed.

"It's alright my little lily. But enough about that. Listen, there's something you ought to know." He motioned for her to stand up. When she did as told, he looked at Genesis and Angeal, then at her.

"It would seem like we're dealing with a cheater and a liar." He spoke.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I follow." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Genesis, who grew impatient, groaned loudly.

"Can we just cut right to the chase? We're supposed to be telling her, not dropping hints. What is this, Jeopardy? Uh, yes, I'll take cheating hero for 200." He rolled his eyes. Sephiroth rolled his emerald orbs.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now