Chapter One: Party Crasher

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This scene takes place in the cyberpunk dystopian city of Midgar, a city of very few inhabitants. A girl by the name of Lillian Bola was a pretty average human with a pretty average life. Friends, a roof over her head, even someone to love her. His name? Cloud Strife. That's right. THE Cloud Strife, a hero of few words, but who needs words when he has feelings to make up for it? Every once in a blue moon, the group consisting of Zack, Arieth, Vincent, Tifa and a few others would meet up at the local bar owned by Tifa and down some shots. Tonight would be the night Cloud was finally gonna do it. After two amazing years, it was time. Although, why was he feeling like his heart was gonna explode and his stomach was in knots? Oh come on, this is Lillian! The girl who took tender care of his every wounds and stayed by his side when he became depressed and shallow. A one of a kind girl deserves the world after all! The couple pranced in the bar, giggling at a joke Cloud told.

"Why did the farmer join Shinra?" The blond headed beauty shrugged. "Because he was promised land!" Cloud slapped his knee. He was always full of jokes, no matter the situation. He managed to make the girl laugh every time.

"So, are you finally gonna make that girl your wife Cloud?" Zack approached his best friend, slapping him hard on the back. The pair had been through many adventures together, and it was Zack that paired the two together, and all it took was Cloud shyly asking her out, and next thing they know, Lillian and Cloud are happily dating.

"What do I say? How do I do it? Damnit Zack, I'm hella nervous. I mean, look at her. Those eyes, the way she holds her stomach when she laughs, everything about her just has me wanting to back out." Cloud stared at Lillian, who's mingling with Yuffie. The girls were best friends, and if Vincent hadn't saved her five years ago, they wouldn't be here.

"Don't be such a pussy Cloudy. As a matter of fact, let me a good friend." Zack stepped on the table, a beer in hand, and tapped the glass, directing everyone's attention to him.

"Listen up everyone! Cloud here has something to say, and if Lillian could step forward, that'd be great!" Cloud groaned at his friend, unable to turn around now. Gee, thanks a lot Zack...

"Um, hello everybody, as you all know, Lillian and I have been dating since what seems like an eternity. She means the world to me, and if I could turn back time to when I first looked into her eyes, I would, and repeat the moment. Anyways, um, Lillian, there's something I want to ask you." Cloud approached her, got down on one knee, pulling out a ruby ring.

"Oh Cloud!" Lillian put her hands over her mouth.

"Lillian Bola, will you-" a loud crash interrupted the romantic moment.

"What the hell was that?!" Lillian held on to Vincent, who was guarding her.

"Zack, Vincent, Reno, Rude, come with me. Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie, stay with Lillian." Cloud nodded and kissed Lillian on her soft forehead before heading out to investigate the crash, weapons in hand.

"Geez, drive drunk much?" Zack put his sword over his shoulder. A car was flipped over and in flames.

"Zack, this is no time for jokes. What the hell is going on?" Cloud flicked his friend in the head.

"Ow! You ass!" Zack rubbed the pain area.

"This can't be good. It's a good thing Lillian is safe with Yuffie and the girls." Vincent aimed his gun at the sky when a silhouetted figure with one wing flew closer. Cloud gasped when he realized who the figure was! It revealed itself to be none other than Sephiroth, a rather tall man with long silver hair, green eyes, and wore black leathery armor

 Cloud gasped when he realized who the figure was! It revealed itself to be none other than Sephiroth, a rather tall man with long silver hair, green eyes, and wore black leathery armor

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"Cloud." Was all he said. His voice was deep and calm.

"This can't be!" Cloud had sworn his enemy was gone for good! What could he possibly want?!

"Yes it can be Cloud. Now, if you really care about this measly little town, you'll give me the girl." Was he talking about Lillian?!

"You can't have her! Her rightful place is here with us! Not with scums like you!" Sephiroth let out a low chuckle.

"Very well. Just remember it's not just me that caused this destruction. Genesis, Angeal, let's go home." His sidekicks flew up next to him, Angeal holding a corpse in his arms.

"Lillian!!! Let her go!!" Cloud growled with bared teeth.

"It's a good thing she doesn't know how to fight. I thought the bitch would at least try to pack a punch. But I suppose she would rather be a damsel in distress." Genesis, a red haired man ran his rough hands through the passed out girl's hair.

"Cloud, the girls are knocked unconscious, and they're too strong for them!" Zack came out from the bar.

"Save your strength for our oncoming battle Cloud. See you around." The villain and his two apprentices vanished in the flames. Cloud couldn't believe his own mako eyes. One minute he was about to propose to the woman of his dreams, and the next, she's getting kidnapped by his enemy.
"I'm so sorry Cloud. I tried to stop them, but they're unstoppable." Tifa sat on the bar stool, hand on her head.

"Don't believe her Cloud. Tifa just stood there and let it all happen! I was the one who tried to fight them!" Yuffie huffed, using her weapon as support to sit up. Yuffie was accurate. Tifa has had a crush on Cloud for a long time, and it didn't make her life any better when Lillian came into the picture as a teenage orphan. It was only Cloud that Tifa wanted, no one else. Now, because of her, his love is gone.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя