Cloud's Affair

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"Dude, we've been in three different towns, and still no sign of Vincent or Lillian." Zack sighed, plopping on the neatly made hotel bed.

"We can't give up man. Lillian has got to be here. I just know it." Cloud flipped through the channels on the t.v.

"You say that about every city." Zack groaned into his pillow. The group had looked in every village they came across, but to no avail, could they find the girl. The group laid around the room like a slumber party and watched some television until all but Cloud slept. How could he when the love of his life was somewhere, waiting for him to find her and rescue her? He thought about her warm smile, her contagious laughter, and how forgiving she always was whenever someone did her wrong. If only she was here to lift his spirits with her encouraging words. Cloud breathed in the night air, sighing sadly.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Tifa brought him back from his trail of thoughts. She sat next to him on the balcony, her hair blowing to the breeze.

"I miss her Tifa. My intuitions are never wrong, I just don't understand why he wants her in the first place." He held his head in his hands.

"Don't feel bad Cloud. As much as I hate to admit it, but I miss her too. Her energy was just so... Positive. I'm sure she's on her way home right now." She touched his arm, causing him to be flustered.

"You're right Tifa. Thank you for those kind words." He looked into her eyes, unable to say nothing more.

"Kiss me Cloud." Tifa gripped his shirt, pulling him closer to her, and allowed him to smash his lips into hers. She tasted like vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day. She was so divine, so perfect, so-

"Tifa! I can't do this! Not to Lillian! This is like the ultimate betrayal for her!" He breathed, pushing away from her. God why did that happen?

"Come on Cloud, I know you want me. That kiss is as passionate as you. Do you kiss Lillian like that?" Tifa slowly wiped her lips with her thumb, turning him on.

"No I don't. I never was passionate with her. In fact, I feel like a piece of shit for treating her like she's not even my girlfriend." Tifa sat on his lap, wrapping her hands around his neck, looking into his orbs.

"Don't you think it's time to find a real woman? Besides, she might wanna wait until marriage, but do you? A man like you has needs, desires, temptations. Let's face it sexy, she'll never give you what you want." Cloud thought about it. Every time he'd try to get some action from Lillian, she would refuse and tell him to wait til marriage. She wasn't religious, just a very shy person. He never got to go to second base with her. He stayed at first base, and never moved since they started dating. Oh how the thought of her not letting him touch her drove him mad!

"Fuck it, I love you so much Tifa!" He kissed her quite harshly, aroused by her words. Pretty soon, a desire burning make out session escalated to a steamy sex out in the open. Cloud no longer cared about Lillian and the danger she was in. Since he couldn't turn back now, Tifa filled the void that even Lillian wasn't able to fill. Besides, who would tell her? Sephiroth watched from the the roof, hands folded behind his back, smirking and flying back to the Shinra mansion.

The next morning

"Good morning everyone. The earlier we leave, the sooner we could reach the next town over." Zack hung over the bed, and when he stretched, he fell with a thud. Cloud avoided Tifa at all costs, in fear of everyone finding out about last night's events. He had no idea Aerith was observing his guilty behavior. He blushed every time Tifa passed by, his palms were sweaty, he paced the room, and he even looked at Zack, as if to contemplate on wether or not to tell him. Why did I do that? I never should've slept with another woman! But of course, my aching desires had to rage inside of me and cause me to entice such an action, were the thoughts Cloud had while he was spaced out. If only-

"Hey man!" Zack slapped his buddy's back, startling him.

"Hey what?!" Cloud sighed when he realized it was just Zack. "Oh. Hey man."

"You good bro?"

"No. Look, I gotta tell you something, but you have to promise to keep your mouth shut."

"I'm your best friend, you can trust me. What, did you fuck Tifa or something?" He laughed a sarcastic laugh.

"I did. I had sex with Tifa last night." Cloud looked down, ashamed at his action.

"Oh that's great because- Whaaaaaat?!" Zack'a jaw dropped. He could've believe what he was hearing!

"Yo. Yo. Yo, please say sike right now. Dude, I'm serious." He held his chest.

"Zack, stop playing around. I'm as serious as a heart attack. I had sex with her last night, and now I feel awful."

"You should be! Now, I suppose you're in love with Tifa now?!" Cloud looked up at the sky, letting a sigh escape his breathe.

"Yeah. I am."

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now