True Feelings

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Sephiroth's pov after walking away*

Why am I feeling this way? My heart is beating loudly, almost like hers does when I'm around her. We danced all night, and even when I'm away from her, why do I get the feeling like I like her? Ugh, this is ridiculous..... I'm a 1st class soldier god damnit. I have no time to fall in love with anyone. Yet, why did I spell her name in her favorite flower and recite a poem for her? I'd never do such a thing, but I did. Could this be love? All I know is, I cannot wait to see her in the morning when I awake her with a gentle kiss.

"Sephiroth!!" Genesis knocked on my bedroom door.

"What?" I grumbled, wishing I didn't meet him.

"Cloud and company are getting closer to the mansion. What do you want to do?" Shit....

"Just leave them Genesis. It'll be fine." He stopped me from closing the door.

"Where have you been lately? Don't tell me you've been spending time with that girl." Ugh he's so nosy, it's insane....

"She's our guest after all. Got to treat her as such. Are you jealous?"

"Of course not Sephiroth. It's just that you promised me we could spar together in the garden." I keep forgetting about our spar matches. That's what I get for falling in love.

"We'll get an early start tomorrow morning. Now goodnight Genesis." I slammed the door on him. I took my shirt off, and looked out the window, my sword resting against it. What is it about her that makes me feel this way? Was it the way she smiled? Was it how she returned every kiss? I closed my eyes, seeing into her room. There she was, sleeping peacefully in her silk bed. She's so beautiful..... For the first time in my life, I felt at ease and sincere. I almost didn't want to carry out my plan on killing her in front of Cloud. Yes, I wanted to take her virginity upon my enemy's arrival, and carelessly run my sword through her heart. I could see it now...

"Sephiroth don't!!!" Cloud dropped his buster sword. Lillian was on her knees, hands tied behind her back, her perfect face cut up. I held her head back, giving her one last kiss.

"Don't..... P-please...... I... I love you......." Lillian sobbed. I chuckled, holding my sword towards the "x" I marked on her back.

Wait!!!! I can't do that!!! A part of me wanted to be evil, but the other was fighting, all for her.... Her love for me was so great, I think it's changing me..... I should go check on her.... I walked over to her room, and I heard muffled screams through the door. I kicked the door down, and my blood rose as I witnessed Genesis pinning her to the floor, attempting to take what's mine.

"Shut up and take it you whore!!" He clamped his hand over her mouth, and before I could think, I ran up, my hand over his throat. He saw the anger in my eyes as I lifted his entire body up, tightening my grip.

"You. You fucking traitor. You touched my woman. I'm going to kill you with my bare hands." I felt an arm wrap around my torso.

"Sephiroth......." She cried, her teary eyes mocking me. I dropped Genesis and bent down to hold her close to me.

"I'll deal with you later.... Go now before I change my mind..." I ordered him, and when he left, I lifted her chin up.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I inspected her almost naked body.

"N-no I'm okay.... He just left a hickey is all..." She removed her bra to show me a "g" shaped mark in between her breasts. That fucker......

"Hold still. This may hurt a little." I leaned down, brushing my lips to her chest, using my tongue to trace it. She closed her eyes, embracing the little bit of pain.

"Sephiroth i-" I kissed her nose.

"Don't say a word my love. I need to get something off my chest. Lillian, from the moment I heard your name for the first time to now, I knew I was going to care and cherish you like a treasure that's not meant to be shared. You see, I didn't recite a poem or plant flowers to spell your name just to charm you. The truth is, you make me wanna be a better person. For the first time in my life, I feel happy. Lillian, I love you." I expected her to look at me all shocked. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my neck, smiling brightly.

"Oh Sephiroth. I love you too. For the first time in my life, I feel the love that Cloud never could give me. You complete me, and make feel like the only girl in the world. You're sexy, strong, and romantic! I want to cherish this moment, and every other one with you!" She cried tears of joy. I knew now: she's mine, and only mine. And despite what all the wrong shit I did, she still loved me. And i, loved her back with a burning passion. This girl that I held in my arms is all the happiness that I'll ever need. No more fighting, no more bitterness, and most of all, no more being alone. I had someone, and that someone was Lillian.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now