I Love Him..

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Smut below, proceed with caution!!

It feels like a whole day down here. Why hasn't he come yet? It's so cold, dark, and so quiet. Too quiet. Lillian awoke to the sound of a door heavily creak open, footsteps approaching her.

"How do you feel my little lily?" That mocking voice of his was calm. The girl felt numb, the straps pinning her to the table rubbing against her raw areas.

"I... I... I'm... So.... S.. So.... Sorry.....C-cold...." She shivered, not meeting his eyes.

"Oh my little lily... What am I going to do with you? Come. Let's go get you all washed up." Sephiroth undid the straps, and picked her up bridal style, carrying her up to her room.

"Wait here. I'm gonna draw a bath for the both of us." He left her on her bed, going to the bathroom.

"I need to get out of here.... Before he kills me.... Oh!" She was startled by him kissing her. She wanted to pull away, but for some reason, she couldn't. She didn't want to. It felt too good to stop now.

"My little lily..." He wrapped his arms around her waist, leading her to the bathtub.

"Sephiroth.... What are you doing to me?" She was surprised when he removed her clothes. Lillian quickly covered her body.

"Don't be shy my little lily. Your body is beautiful in its own way." He removed them, fondling her perky breasts. He then removed his own fabrics, placing her in the tub with him.

"Just have me...... Get it over and done with so I can be ashamed......." Her head flew back as he kissed and sucked on her neck, marking her as his.

"Not yet my little lily. As much as I do want your marvelous body, I think I'd rather wait until you're ready to unite us as one."

"Then why are you doing this? Oh my god...." She moaned into his chest.

"Because you deserve to feel pleasure and ecstasy. You're mine darling." She blushed, muffling her pleasurable moans with endless kisses.

"Oh Sephiroth....... You're a gentleman....." She groaned, now hovering over his face.

"I just want you to be happy. And I feel as if you get that way around me. Now be still and try not to cum." He started devouring her insides, making her wiggle and squirm against his mouth.

"Sephiroth wait-" she arched her back, digging her claws into his legs.

"Is this the first time you've ever felt like this my love?" He traced his hands along her curves.

"Y-yes.... I can't deny it anymore.... Sephiroth, i- oh my god yes!" He shut her up, now making her juices flow.

"Now let's get you cleaned up you naughty girl." He kissed her deeply before cleansing her body of lavender and lilac.

"Aren't you just full of surprises?!" Lillian giggled, running ahead of him into the crisp night air.

"I know how much you like the garden, so I thought I'd show you my latest masterpiece." He smiled, admiring the way her eyes sparked in the moonlight.

"What is it this time?" She picked up a dandelion, blowing the white puffs into the wind.

"If you hold my hand, I'll guide you. Better yet, let's dance." He held her hand, spinning gracefully towards the temple. When Lillian caught her breath, she couldn't contain her excitement. Laying in front of her, was a bed of all kinds of lilys, all spread out evenly to spell her name.

"Sephiroth! You did this?" She inhaled the sweet scent of her favorite flower.

"Your broad, high brow is whiter than a leper's,
Your eyes are flax-flower blue, blood-red your lips,
Your hair curls honey-colored to white hips.

All saints revile you, and all sober men
Ruled by the God Apollo's golden mean;
Yet for me rises even in November
(Rawest of months) so cruelly new a vision,
Cerridwen, of your beatific love
I forget violence and long betrayal,
Careless of where the next bright bolt might fall." Lillian's heart stopped.

"Sephiroth, you like poetry?" She smiled big.

"Your love is like a delicate rose. If you know how to treat it, it'll grow and blossom with you." Oh my god, how poetic!

"Sephiroth stop it! You're so sweet!" She hugged him tightly.

"I only know how to make you smile as bright as the everlasting sun." He kissed her deeply, bringing that spark she felt when he first kissed her.

"Sephiroth, you're so handsome." Even with the dim light of the moon, he saw her face flush.

"And you my lady, are the most gorgeous woman my eyes have ever laid eyes on. Even with a flushed face, you still show true beauty. You don't need make up to truly feel beautiful." He kissed her forehead.

"Shall we dance the night away?" She batted her eyelids. Sephiroth chuckled, kissing her hand.

"Say no more my dear Lillian." He took her by the hand, swaying their bodies side to side slowly.

"I had so much fun tonight Sephiroth. Do you want to come inside and fool around for awhile? I'm dying to get even closer to you." She leaned against her bedroom door, drunk from the champagne.

"As much as I would love to my little lily, I think we should both go our separate ways, just for tonight." Lillian pouted, pulling him closer.

"Oh come on Sephy dear. I'm so turned on by you right now. Please? I'll leave all the romancing to you." She licked his neck.

"Don't tempt me my love. You know I don't want to, and besides, you're drunk." He was drunk too, but aware of his actions.

"Oh fine. Kiss me Sephy." He did as she wished, letting her pull him closer to her. He raised her arms above her head, pinning them together. They wildly made out, drenching their lips with the saliva dripping. He pressed himself to her, making her lightly moan. Sephiroth pulled away, breathing heavily.

"Good night my love." He gave her one last look before he turned to walk to his own room. In that moment, Lillian realized, she was over Cloud, and now was madly in love with this sexy silver haired man. But did he feel the same way? If only he knew. If only.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon