One Winged Master of Love

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Sephiroth was extremely nervous. He searched for the girl, hoping to ask her to dinner. The previous night, they had made their new found relationship official by promising to stay together forever.

"Angeal, have you seen Lillian?" He found his friend in the training room.

"Lillian? I think she went for a stroll in the garden." He pointed to the hallway leading to it.

"Did you escort her?"

"Yes, and I told her I had to stay, but she insisted she wanted to be alone, so I did." Sephiroth ran out of the room, furious with her. The only rule was for her to never go anywhere alone, and she somehow managed to break it. He stormed to where she was, and stopped in his tracks, admiring the beauty before him. She was on her knees in the puddle of water, humming a sweet love song.

"Oh! Sephiroth! Please don't be angry with me! I know my one rule is to always have someone with me, but I wanted to be alone for a bit

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"Oh! Sephiroth! Please don't be angry with me! I know my one rule is to always have someone with me, but I wanted to be alone for a bit. I hope you don't mind." She turned her head. Sephiroth shook his head, squatting down to her level.

"Not at all my dear. Just be aware of your surroundings. You never know what kind of sexual deviant might creep up on you." He flirted.

"Yeah... Sorry... I was so lost in thought, I guess I didn't take that into consideration." She rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's alright my dear. This place gives you a sense of peace, doesn't it?" He kneeled down by her side, inhaling the sweet nectar. The way she acted in this place gave her life, and he wished she could stay forever.

"I've always loved nature. That and animals make me feel like I was a elf in my past life. In Midgar, there's hardly any sign of plant life. So when I first saw this garden, I was amazed at the kinds of flowers that grew." She let a butterfly land on her finger as she spoke.

"I never knew girls liked this sort of thing. But somehow, I had a feeling you did, so I prepared this just for you. I'm content that you care so much about it." He smiled warmly.

"Well, as much as I adore this place, I think I'm ready to head back to my room." Sephiroth stood, holding his hand out to help her up.

"I want to ask you something." The pair held hands as they strolled through the halls.

"What is it Sephiroth?"

"Would you like to have dinner tonight? Just the two of us?" Glad that's out... Why is asking her out to dinner so difficult?

"Sure. Pick me up at 7?" She stopped at her bedroom door, looking up at him with lust.

"I'll try not to be tardy my love." He bowed as she closed the door on him, hearing an excited scream. He chuckled to himself, summoning Genesis and Angeal to his sleeping quarters.

"I want the both of you to prepare a nice meal for tonight. Set the dining room table and light some candles as well." He picked out a suit and hung it on the wall.

One Winged Angel (Sephiroth x Oc) Final Fantasy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now