Writer's note

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It has been my pleasure to write this story. It took me almost five years to complete it. Many -and I mean, many- ups and downs have occurred during these years, and every time I wanted to quit everything and disappear, this story has been here, waiting for me, to be written

I have vented here, and I am glad others like you could read every word of mine, and like it. It is an amazing feeling knowing others out there went through similar things I did. Your votes and words of encouragement have helped me move on from my previous problems, as well as helping me see that there is always a better tomorrow, even if sometimes it is far ahead.

To be honest, I started writing this novel in English –my second language- because I was scared of writing in Spanish and that people would make fun of me. But that never happened, neither in English nor in Spanish. Before this novel, I had no idea I can write, and that amazes me, and even more, that others enjoy what I write.

As many other writers here, it is a bit disappointing to see how many people have read this novel, but few vote, and even less, comment. Still, I hope with time, things will change, as those two things are the ones that help me continue with this passion.

I also want to tell you that this novel is not over. I will start the second part soon. I decided to make some changes in narrative and style, as I feel I am a different person I used to be five years ago, and some characteristics of this first part do not suit me anymore, as the writer I am now.

I already have some ideas, but if you have any and would like me to write them, please post them here or send me a private message. I will try to adjust them with the plot I am currently designing.

I cannot thank you enough for reading my novel, all the way through here. It has been a journey for both you and me, and I hope you continue on my new one. I wish you a beautiful and happy life, and I hope to see you soon in part II.

Besos y abrazos,


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