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Ben?! Is that Ben Affleck? THE Ben Affleck? No, this is not happening, I am sure this is another Ben, I must be confused, that's all.

-Ben... Affleck? I asked him. Shit! There are millions of Ben's in the world, and the only last name I could think of was Affleck???! Ugh, I want to fade away...

-Yep, it's me, the one and only!- Ben laughed, as if he was not expecting to hear his last name either.

Oh my god, it's really him! Ok, breath, breath. You can faint later, but now try to focus.

-You know, you were quite the challenge to find you- Ben said with an amusing tone of voice.

-Oh, really?- I said. Please brain, work. Say more than just a couple words.

-So how did you find me?- I asked him, truly curious.

-Well, first of all, you left so sudden I didn't even have time to get to know your name. So I had to talk to my manager and figure out the name of the magazine your friend works at, then find the name of your friend and her number, and finally talk to her and ask her your name and phone number. However, she didn't give it to me easily: she made me promise I'll give her an exclusive interview.

Oh Diane, why would you do that! No wonder I saw you the other day all smiles and looking at me mischievously. She was keeping this secret from me so I would be shocked when Ben called. And taking advantage of the poor guy on top of that. I must definitely have a conversation with her, asap.

-Well, that was quite the hassle- I said after his explanation. Oh brain, can you please say something clever? I wanted to hit my forehead with the edge of the desk.

-Yes, you were, but I like women...- he drifted off.

What kind of women do you like Ben??? I'm dying to know.

-Women who can be a challenge?- I asked, amusingly.

He chuckled, and said after a moment -Let's just say I like women.-

Moment lost. Oh well. Since my brain seems to finally work, and I feel a lot more confident over the phone than in person, I decided to play my cards.

-Well, now that you found me, what do you want to do?- I said. I had to bite my lower lip to stop giggling.

-How about I take you for a cup of coffee tomorrow? You know, no pressure. Something casual between two adults.

-Challenge accepted- I said. He was quite the challenge for me too. I could feel his smile on the other side of the phone.

-I'll arrive in the city tomorrow morning, but we can meet in the afternoon. Let's say 5?

-Sure, there's a great coffee shop near my work, so I'll text you the address... After you give me your phone number, of course. You show up on my phone as "unknown".- I could hear him laughing. God, that laugh is so enchanting I'm melting right now. I wonder how I'm going to survive tomorrow with him right in front of me.

-I'll text you my number, no worries.

Suddenly, I saw my boss coming right at me, clearly knowing I'm on a private phone call due to my crimson blush betraying me.

-Hey, my boss is coming over, so I have to go. See you tomorrow!

-Take care Hannah, bye!

And just like that, Ben was back into my life.

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