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I started walking towards him with a shining smile. I could feel I was almost floating in the air. He stood up from his chair wearing jeans and a blue sweater. He also had a beard, which I think made him look even sexier than ever.

-Hi Hannah, we finally meet, officially- Ben said, shaking my hand while also smiling.- He looked so happy today, a lot more than when we first met.

He held my hand for a long time. The electric feeling he gave me when touching my hand made ran a tingling sensation all over my body. I really needed to sit down.

-Yes, indeed it was. But I'm glad you found me.-

Oh brain, please don't start failing on me again!

-So am I- said Ben.

Then we stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds, in one of those moments that were really exciting but a bit awkward at the same time because words did not come out of either of our mouths.

-Shall we order some coffee?- I finally said, hoping we could sit down as my knees were trembling so bad I could fall at any moment.

-Sure, sure- said Ben, shaking his head as if I woke him up from his train of thought. -What would you like to have?- he asked, letting go of my hand. I felt a sting for a brief moment. I did not want him to let go of me.

-I'll have a macchiato, please- Shit, I don't even know what a macchiato is! It was just the first word that came to my mind! It better taste good...

-Nice! I'll be right back- said Ben right before he went to the counter to get our drinks.

As soon as he left I sat down and got my phone to find out about the freaking macchiato, but instead I saw a text from Diane, saying "Don't be nervous, be yourself and everything will be fine. He's just as nervous as you are, he's just trying to hide it. Don't forget to show some skin, and call me when you can! I want to hear every single detail!"

I smiled at the text. This is the boost I needed. I also wondered if she was right about Ben's nervousness. I hoped she was right.

Ben came back and saw me smiling to my phone.

-Saw something interesting there?- he asked, pointing at my phone.

Oh shit, I must make something up.

-It was Diane. She just wanted to say hi and how things were going.-

-Well, so far things look damn great, and I hope they look even better... Soon.- Ben stared at me while saying those words, making me feel self-conscious about my outfit and flustered at the same time.

I took the macchiato from his hand and took a long sip to hide my crimson cheeks.

-This is good- I said.

This is actually good! I now like macchiatos...

-I'm glad you like it. So, were where we?

-Um, you said things were looking great and you hope they will be better...-

-And what do you think about that?- Ben asked, smiling and amusingly curious about my answer.

Oh fuck! What the hell am I supposed to say?!

-Well, I think things are pretty dang great so far, and we'll see what happens later on- I answered, trying to look confident.

Ben laughed. He enjoyed my answer.

-I think it's really cute you didn't swear.-

That's because I was mentally swearing while freaking out by your mere presence.

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