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When I woke up, the night was dark and full of stars. The first feeling I had were Ben's arms wrapped around me while kissing my forehead, giving me a feeling of ecstasy.

I smiled, as I felt relaxed and happy in his arms, just wanting to smile even more.

-Hey- I said, stretching out, ending with my arms wrapped around his neck.

-Hey, you finally woke up.- said Ben, smiling as well, with his happiness warming up my soul.

-We have to go, don't we?- I asked, already knowing the answer.

-Hmmmm Hmmm... Or we could just stay here forever, in this bed, naked, without anything to worry about.- Ben replied.

-No... We have to go, because this is life, and we must live it.- I said.

-But we could live it here...- said he with a huge smile, trying to convince me otherwise.

-But if I'm here with you all the time, how are you going to miss me?- I replied, and I could see in his eyes that he actually liked the idea of missing me, so he could love me even more the next time he would see me.

-Hmmmm, I guess you're right.- said Ben.

-I guess I am.- said I with a big smile, making him laugh as well.

And so, after some failed attempts, we finally got up of bed, got ready and sadly left the cabin.

I felt as if I left a piece of me and my memories in that cabin and its surroundings, and I hoped to return there someday, so I could get them back into my life once more.

As Ben drove back home, I leaned against the window, looking at all the stars in the sky. They were so calm and  peaceful that I actually wanted to tell Ben to go back and stay with me in that bed forever, looking at such beautiful landscape. But that was perhaps a bit selfish of me.

And so, time passed, and the stars were fading away, and disappearing. A proof that we were getting closer and closer to the city.

Once the last star in the sky was no longer seen, I stopped leaning against the window, and decided to lean on Ben's shoulder, wanting to fall asleep, hoping for this dream to continue.

We finally arrived to my apartment, and as I turned around to open the door, Ben got close to me, putting his chest against my back... But this time, he hugged me.

-I don't want to go anywhere else. Let me stay with you tonight.- said Ben, whispering in my ear, hopeful of a positive answer from my part.

And I of course, did not want him to be anywhere else but there, with me.

I smiled, and let him in.

We were very happy and tired at the same time, so we just got ready for bed, and when we finally snuggled, we talked for a bit. We talked about the weekend: what we thought and felt, and it was incredible hearing Ben saying all the wonderful things that went through his mind about those two days, and how happy he was of spending that time, with me.

I was baffled at his words, as I could not believe I was making him happy. I always felt he made me very happy, but I never thought I was making him happy as well.

We both smiled at such thing, and were bewildered as well.

And so, after a few more words about it, we finally decided it was time to sleep.

I woke up at some point in the middle of the night, and saw Ben lying next to me, relaxed, and happy. I also looked out the window and saw the city lights were off. This allowed me to see the stars in the sky one more time, and it made me very happy, as it made me realize that every time I see the stars, they would remind me of my weekend with Ben, and how happy we were.

And from that moment on, the stars would always make me smile.

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