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The storm kept coming strong, forcing us to stop our hug. Ben held my hand and helped me walk to the chalet, pulling me along the way. The last few meters were the hardest, to which point he gripped me by my waist and walked beside me. I could barely see where we were going, so I had to rely on him to arrive safe and sound. I was still not comfortable with him back in my life, but at that point, I had no choice.

I also felt confused. Just moments ago, I was alone, and I thought I would remain that way for much longer, but things were different now. My confusion kept increasing with every step I took along his side, touching me. I did not know what to do, so I pulled myself away from him when we entered the chalet.

-You're welcome- said Ben, sarcastically.

-Sorry, it's just...- I tried to gather the right words, but could not find any. -Just... Just thanks. -I finally said, trying to give him some credit for his help.

I walked to the desk, got my room key, and went up the stairs, but Ben kept being right next to me. Neither of us said anything during that time, and I started feeling a bit claustrophobic, as the stairs were quite narrow to walk next to each other. His arm kept touching mine, and I could not even move a bit away from him. Finally, I saw the hallway to my room, and I walked that way, but Ben continued next to me.

-What do you think you're doing?- I asked.

-I want to talk to you.

-But I don't want to talk to you.

-You have to. I came all the way here, and I'm right in front of you.

It was true. He was right in front of me, and he would not let me go. I already knew how persistent he could be. However, he was getting on my nerves, and I did not even know why. I needed to calm down and wrap my head around all the things that were occurring at that moment. I put my hands on my temples and then showed them to him, as if they were a stop sign for him to leave me alone, at least for a few hours.

-Fine, but not now. I need to... Decompress first.

-Decompress... Excellent choice of words.- He said, laughing at my comment.

He was getting me upset. He had no right to mock at my words. I sighed, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

-Tonight. At dinner. We'll talk then.- My request was dry, but I had no other way to put it.

-Great, I'll see you then- he said, with a gleam of hope in his eyes. He then gave me a soft smile and walked away, respecting our agreement.

Once I entered my room, I laid in bed, looking at the roof.

What have I done?

My thoughts were twirling in my mind. Why was he getting on my nerves? And so easily? Perhaps his comment was unintentional and tried to humor me. However, for some reason, his presence was mortifying me. Seeing Ben was something I did not expect to happen again, and now, him wanting to talk to me was even more unexpected.

With those thoughts in mind, I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them, though, it was already dark. I had fallen asleep for who knows how long. I looked at the clock next to my bed and noticed it was almost dinner time.


I quickly got up and got ready. I decided to change my clothes for something more appropriate for dinner, and without paying much attention, I ended up putting on a red winter dress and boots.

What am I doing? Ben's not my boyfriend anymore!

I wanted to take them off, but I noticed I was already running late, so I had no time to change again.

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