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I woke up the following morning, but the bed was empty next to my side.

I called his name, but I did not hear any answer from him. I also checked for a note, but there was none either, and neither on my phone. So I decided to put on a t-shirt and walked around. There were no signs of his clothes.

I finally decided to look out the window, and saw his car: it was parked where he left it, which brought me some peace of mind.

Then I saw him coming to my place, carring a newspaper in his hands. He looked up and saw me by the window, and he smiled to me. I smiled back, finally calmed and happy by seeing him down there.

I then realized I was wearing no bottoms, so I rushed to put on the first thing I found which were shorts, put my hair up as I had no time to fix it, and ran to brush my teeth. He unfortunately opened the door while I was doing such thing.

-Hey, you shouldn't brush your teeth right now, as we're going to have breakfast.- Ben said.

-How did you enter? And when did you go out?- I asked, as I was quite curious about it.

-I woke up a while ago. I stared at you for quite some time, but since you didn't wake up, I decided to go buy the newspaper and read it through while you snored.- And he winked at me, making me giggle. -I grabbed your keys, by the way. I hope that's okay.- Ben replied.

-Yes, absolutely.- I felt a bit mortified at demanding answers from him, especially after he waited for me to wake up.

Then Ben said -I have an idea: why don't we go out for breakfast now? We've already spent quite some time indoors, and I would like to invite you out, if that's okay with you.-

-Sure, I don't mind at all.- I said while smiling at his proposal.

I love so much when you are spontaneous. It makes me very happy... You make me very happy.

Ben noticed that I was smiling more than usual, to which he asked me the reason but I declined to answer, now giggling even more than before.

After this, we got ready in quite a short amount of time and finally went for breakfast. I still had some time to order and eat slowly before entering the dreading office world, so I decided to enjoy every bit of time I had with Ben.

We ordered coffee and some type of bread to accompany our beverages. He sat down next to me and held my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

It was the first time he was showing his affection to me in public and in daylight, so anyone could see his actions, and my reactions.

I blushed. I was stupefact. He said numerous times he wanted to keep things as private as possible, but now he was holding my hand in front of everybody.

-What?- Ben asked.

-Nothing, I just... I just... Nothing... Nevermind.- was all I could say, as I would not and did not want to share my thoughts to him out loud.

-I know when a woman says "nothing", it actually means something. So, what is it?- Ben insisted.

-Well, yes... but not really... I mean... I don't know.- now I was babbling, and for good reason.

Ben sighed, because it was clear I was hiding something from him, even if it was perhaps something small.

-Please promise me something: every time you say "nothing" to me, don't keep it at it. Actually say what you're thinking and feeling; otherwise, you'll make me guess and I'm not very good at it, to be honest."- said he, serious about his words.

-Fine, I promise- I said, now sighing, feeling defeated from never being able to say "nothing" ever again. -It's just that you're holding my hand...- I started saying-

-...Yes?- Bes asked, not understanding my concern.

-And you're holding it here, in public, and in daylight!.- I continued.

-...And?- Ben wondered.

-Well, it's just...- I continued, trying to put my words together, one after the other... As if it were that easy... -You told me... You wanted to keep things private, but now you're expressing your affection in public... So, I'm a bit confused here.- I finally said.

-Ah, I see.- Ben finally understood. -You're right about what I said, but I thought perhaps it's time to change things a bit, and let the world know who I am with now.-

At this, my head started spinning... He wanted the world to know about us? What??? His words could not yet sink into my mind.

He wanted to make it public? And did he really want to make it public? Was it something good for him? And for us? And would there be any repercussions of being with him in a public relationship?

My thoughts were running out of control, as I never dated anyone famous before, so I did not really know how to handle such kind of relationship...

And... Are we actually in a relationship? Because he never asked me to be with him this way. Hmmmm... Oh, this is so confusing!!!... Maybe I should ask him about it.

And so, right when I was going to ask him that question, I suddenly heard the click of a camera.

It was a paparazzi.

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