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I slowly opened my eyes, letting the light enter my mind, as if with that I could have a better perspective of reality... And what occurred last night.

I could smell his cologne on my body, and that was alluring. I could also hear the sound of the rain, still falling. I carefully turned my body to face the window that was on the head of the bed, and saw a cloudy and rainy day... Too cold to go outside, and even colder to go for a swim. I sighed and hid my face on the pillow, now grouling for such weather.

-Don't worry. It's supposed to be sunny in a few hours.- said Ben.

His voice startled me. I did not know he was awake, seeing everything I did... And being right next to me.

I peeked him out: he was smiling, happy I was finally awake. He then stroked my naked back, giving me a sense of calm and happiness.

-Did I scare you?- he asked.

-A bit, yes. I thought you were asleep.- I said.

-Not for a while. It's nice seeing​ you sleep... And hear you talking in your sleep.- he mentioned.

-I do not talk in my sleep!!- I said, utterly embarrassed, even more than remembering I was completely naked at that moment.

-Yes, you did. However, you mumbled, so I couldn't understand any of it.- Ben laughed, while saying this.

I was mortified by this, feeling my cheeks bursting red, inevitably showing him how I felt about it. I sank my face in the pillow again.

-Hey, don't worry, I think it's cute. Besides, someday I'll be able to understand what you're saying.- Ben commented.

This only made it worse, as I could be declaring my profound love for him in my dreams, and unconsciously saying it out loud!... Such thought made my cheeks going from red to scarlet, and so, I put my hands on my face trying to hide such thing from him and the rest of the world as well, while also making a high pitch sound from deep in my throat as a sign to express my wanting to disappear from this time and place.

Such expressions of myself just made him laugh even more, hugging me tenderly and pulling me towards him while kissing the top of my head.

-Hey, don't be embarrassed. I really like you, with all and your talking in your sleep... And your little snoring.- Said he.

Such comment made my heart come to a full stop.

-I've noticed you only snore when you're tired. And it's mild... I actually had to come really close to check if you were the one making that noise... Or a mouse.- said he, amused of my embarrassment.

His comment made me laugh, as I finally understood that all these things, although embarrassing, were inevitable of happening once I fell asleep.

I took a deep breath, and finally took my hands out of my face, looking at his deep eyes, shaking my head while smiling at him, and him replying my smile. I kissed him and hugged him tightly, showing the utter affection I felt for him.

-Thanks for accepting me with all my mumbling, and my mouse noises.- I said.

-Anytime, babe... Anytime.- he replied.

Now, it was time to get up, as even though we spent a good time cuddling and talking, hunger could not wait any longer.

Ben got up first, and walked towards the closet, where he took a pair of sweatpants. While doing this, all I could see was his naked body, from top to bottom: his broad shoulders, strong back, his arms with the tattoos I touched and contemplated the night before, and his strong legs. He turned around and noticed I was staring at him, and smiled.

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