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Nine years have passed since that beautiful moment, and there is nothing left of it.

As I open my eyes in my single bed, I look at the ceiling, remembering what happened so long ago. It still hurts, despite the time.

So many things that could have been but never were.

A short "us" filled now with only "me."

I still see Ben, though. His sadness lay on my table from the most recent version of "The Sun." I can tell he is going through a tough time, more than such a newspaper says, as he recently divorced from the model who once tried to steal him from me. She somehow succeeded.

I know that buying such a paper would only remind me of all the pain we went through after our engagement. Still, I have always wanted the best for him.

I now fold it in half, trying not to think how he is doing after such a tragedy.

Even though our relationship did not work, I still hoped and wished him happiness along with her and their two children.

Sometimes I wonder if he still thinks of me, if he found out about my marriage and later divorce with Luke, and if he also wishes me happiness.

So many thoughts and feelings I should let go of. Still, it has been impossible for me to forget Ben, as no matter how many times I turn off the TV or my phone, he somehow still shows up, as he did today through that paper.

Today has been a nostalgic day for me, and yet, I do not feel sad. I can only remember all the good things that occurred between Ben and me, and what true love feels like.

I smile at such thoughts, and now I know what to do.

I go to my closet and find the blue dress I wore on my first date with Ben. This is one of the very few possessions I still have from my time with him.

I put it on, and it feels tight everywhere.

Well, it has been many years since I last wore it. I should not have expected it to fit me as well as before.

I look myself in the mirror, and I see I am still beautiful, despite some wrinkles on my face. I fix my hair and put on kitten hills. I no longer want to wear painful shoes.

I also no longer live in the same city. Instead, now it is in a forest area, where I can be more comfortable and relaxed than before. Here, no one can take me pictures, bother me, or even find me.

I take the one-hour drive to my former city and enter the same coffee shop I once did. It looks the same as before, which is surprising... As if time did not pass at all.

I order my favorite drink and sit down at the same spot I once shared with Ben. The place is almost empty, giving a relaxed atmosphere.

Remembering so many good moments makes me smile like I did not in so long.

As I am half the way down my cup of coffee, I stretch out my hand to the right of the table. I remember how once Ben put his hand on mine, asking me to go back with him.

Now my hand is empty, except for a couple of dark spots on it.

I look outside, seeing the night lights and the shadows of only a couple of people passing by. I could not ask for more today.

As my thoughts invade my mind, someone opens the door, allowing the warm summer breeze to enter the place.

The smell of sand and memories reaches me, as that shadow remains by the door.

I turn my head, and once more, my past comes back to me.

Ben is standing at the door, and we both smile.

A new story awaits us.

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