Chapter 1

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There is nothing better than waking up to sunlight streaming through your window.

But then again, I had to wake up before sunrise.

I was late.

The sun to me was nothing but an alarm clock. I wish that I could set it earlier or that it had a snooze button. Waking up to the sun was a pain in the neck. It showed that I was, in fact, late every day.

That thought set me through the morning as I jumped out of bed and into the shower in a matter of a few seconds. Hurriedly, I brushed my teeth clean after making sure I had rinsed my hair quite well in the least amount of time possible. Grabbing my hair dryer, I plugged it in and switched it on in hope that I wouldn’t get an electric shock. Once I was done, I realized I was lucky.

Running out of the bathroom, I thanked God that my mom had left early this morning for some errands. If she found out I was this late, I would have been dead.

Even though it was a Saturday morning, I had to be at Chill Café for my morning shift at 6:00 am. Since I was 17 and in my senior year, my mom had decided I needed a job. I worked there as a part time job with my older best friend, Carly, for “guidance”. Even though she was just 3 years older than me.

Grabbing my work uniform from the rolling chair it was laying on, I got dressed as fast as possible. I checked the time just to get even more discouraged.

It was 6:15.

So, for the first time that eventful day, something bad happened to me. I had to skip breakfast.

Running out the house and five minutes down the street, I realized another thing that could make my day even worse.

Bad Thing #2: I forgot to lock my house.

So, I ran back as fast as my legs were able to take me. The door was open and I sighed in relief, thanking my amazing brain for reminding about this situation.

Barging in, I grabbed the key from the counter and ran back outside, rushing to lock my door. The next thing on my mind was to catch a Taxi. But we all know I don’t have time for that.

So, I ran. Again. All the way to the Café.

I checked the time from my phone. 6:29.

I stumbled in the café, pushing the door open and inviting all attention on me. I found Carly by the cash counter, trying to handle getting orders, collecting money and serving at the same time. I shot a sorry look at her as I ran through the crowded café to go help her.

“I’m so sorry, Carly.” I said as I took over the cash counter.

She sighed. “It’s fine.”

I smiled at her. “Hey, how about you take over the kitchen with Margaret and I’ll take care of the orders and everything?” Margaret was part of the kitchen staff. She was almost 65 years old but the most enthusiastic lady I had ever met.

She shot me a grateful grin. “I’d love that.” Before disappearing into the kitchen, she gave me a cute pleading look. “Can you tell some of the girls to go start cleaning up now and then?”

I sighed. “Yeah, why not?”

“Great. I’ll handle the kitchen window then, passing the orders to you.”

“Yup.” I agreed with her, checking the computer to see what she was up to. The last order was a cappuccino. I want a cappuccino.

“A cappuccino for table 4!” I screamed out to her.

“Coming up.”

With so much stress, I looked at the crowd in front of me. Who comes to a café at 6:30 in the morning?

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