Chapter 16

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Here I am after like, four months, or something.

Sorry guys, I was bed sick with a special case of writer's block and I'M BACK! FINALLY!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 16

"Well, I guess the bump is starting to show." Stevie said as she examined herself in the mirror. "Reece am I growing too fat?"

Reece and I were lying lazily on their bed while watching sponge bob reruns. My mom had gone out and it was late night with this couple and there was no way I was third wheeling.

So we decided that we would watch sponge bob reruns until 1:00 am in the morning.

"You're not, sweetie. At least not as fat as Patrick." Reece told her while shooting me a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Haters gonna hate." I told him, sticking my tongue out as he did the same to me.

Stevie ran her hands over the stomach. "God, in a few months, Reece will have to take me for major shopping. I'm not fitting some of my tops these days."

"Well, you are pregnant." I said while yawning and standing up. It was just 12:45 but I was way too sleepy to listen to Stevie complaining about her baby bump and Reece insulting Patrick.

Stevie turned to me and pouted. "Hey, where are you going? Mom told to me to make sure you're grounded for coming late."

I chuckled as Reece scoffed. "As if you'd actually ground your baby sister." Reece commented, smirking at her. She shot him a look but smiled a little anyway.

"Aww, honestly you guys are so cute. But it's time for awesomeness to leave, so peace out!" I said before walking out of the room.

"Hey, hey, hey, promise me you won't tell mom that I'm letting you off the hook?" Stevie asked me as she ran out the room, following me.

I grinned at her. "As long as you won't."

She laughed and kissed my cheek. "Night, Alex."

"Night night, Stevie." I smiled at her before shouting to Reece. "Goodnight Reece!"

"Night!" I heard his voice shout back before I walked into my room and shut the door close.

My mom was glaring at me when I walked in at 10:15. She was mad that I was late yet again and when I tried to talk to her about Tony, she shut me off and said that she was going over to her friend's house for the night.

She was acting so strange. She told me everything in the morning but at night, she's closing up and being distant.

Just as I frowned at the thought, my phone buzzed near my leg. I picked it up to see Zach's monkey face on it.

Just as I slid the call open, I heard panting. UM what?

"Al- ouch! Shit! Alex?" I heard him take a few deep breaths.

"Are you exercising and calling me Zach? Because let me tell you that it's not such a great id-"

"Shut up, where are you?" He asked me, almost sounding concerned.

"In bed?"

He let out a long sigh and suddenly, I stop hearing the sound of his shoes hitting the ground. He had stopped running. "So you're normal?"

I scoffed. "Far from that."

I heard his breathing quicken. He must have started running again. "Why? What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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