Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 is here!

Here it is! I hope you enjoy :)


Just like the first time that I had unintentionally spent time with Zachary Delgado, I am going to say something I never thought I’d say.

Detention was fun.

All throughout the two hours, Cody, Zach and I were joking around and having fun like normal people.

Okay so maybe we weren’t that normal. 

Cody really came to like me. He said that I was amusing and I thought he was too. After all, we had high fived each other several times.

So walking out the detention room was not that easy with Cody’s arms lazily lying around my shoulders, pushing me forward with a lot of weight. His head was buried in my hair and I couldn’t help but giggle at how things turned out.

“Man, how come I never found you?” Cody said.

Zach snorted. “She’s not all that great.” Cody let me go and smirked at Zach.

“You’re just jealous he loves me more, you know.” I stated, winking at him.

“Don’t be like that evil girl from some weird chick flick movie.” He muttered while pushing open the door.

“That just proves that you watch rom-coms with Barbara.” I said, smirking.

His face flushed. He really watches rom-coms with Barbara?

“Damn Delgado, you watched rom-coms with your mom?” Cody asked him, gaping. I chuckled.

“Oh, this is entertaining.”

Zach scoffed. “No, I don’t.” I giggled and shook my head. By that time, we had reached the entrance of our school.

“Okay then weirdos. Bye.” I said, slowly walking backwards while waving at them with a hand that was not gripping the straps of my back pack.

“Okay, then. Bye.” Zach said and went back to texting on his phone. I rolled my eyes.

“No. Oh my gosh when can I see her again?” Cody asked Zach frantically.

“Patience, child. I’ll call you over when she comes to play with Lily.” Zach said. Cody turned to with his eyebrow raised.

“I have to put up with this idiot because the rest of his family loves me.” I cleared it in one sentence.

Cody laughed. “Yeah, that happens a lot.”


I laughed and waved at them. “Bye guys!”

They waved back before walking the other way. I sighed, happily.

Now all I have to do is say all of this to Carly.


“Welcome to Chill Café! How may I help you today?”

Bored of that line? Yeah, so was I.

Carly and I were currently trying to control the café. It was our evening shift for the week. We work there from 5:30 to 8:00 and then we get to go home.

But, we always had fun.

Rich was handling the counter, like always, and I was getting orders from customers, passing it onto Carly, who made sure they were perfect.

For a few minutes, no one new came and we were standing there, bored.

That is when Carly started to tap a tune on the table.

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