Chapter 11

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Expect some things to get spicy in this chapter. *mischevious glance*

Lol I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Without further ado, here it is!

Chapter 11

Two days passed by so quickly and soon, it was Friday evening. Zach had decided that he was going to force me to bake for him again and so, he was sitting in the café, eating up the full jar of jelly beans. Yes, I decided I won’t bake anyway and now he was emptying my jelly beans.

“So, you never told me what happened on Wednesday.”

I glared at him. The truth was, no one really knew about it. I winced as soon as I felt everyone’s curious looks on my face.

“Why? Something bad happened?” Carly asked me, worried. There is no way I could tell them.

I know I’ll be okay until Zach’s opens his big mouth.

“Yeah,” Zach unfortunately continued, “I was at the deli after she kicked me out and she came barging in the door, breathing all heavily. A few seconds late, De-“

“It was nothing.” I interrupted him, shooting him a glare. He cocked his eyebrow in confusion. Ignoring him, I continued. “I was taking a short cut then this drunken idiot started chasing me. I ran at full speed and barged in the deli for safety but by the time I was there, he was gone.”

Carly frowned. “Are you sure you’re okay? I told you to never take that short cut. I’m never allowing you to close up again; I don’t want my sister to get hurt because of me.”

“Would you calm down? I’m not hurt or anything. And anyway, Zach dropped me home after that.”

“But it’s not safe, Alex!” Rich said, defensively. I sighed.

“Yes, I know. I promise, I’ll be more careful.” Time to divert the topic. “Anyways, Zach, what were you doing in a deli at 9:30?”

He flushed a little. “I was, um, buying candy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like the cupcakes you ate weren’t enough sugar in one day.”

Carly chuckled as Zach pouted. “Hey! In my defense, I was buying the candy for you as an apology.”

I gasped. “Seriously?” He nodded a little before awkwardly turning away to focus on something else. My face heated up a little bit as I heard Carly’s cooing noise.

“You guys are so cute, I swear.”

“Shut up!” I mumbled before hiding my face under my bangs. “Cheesy cute idiot.” I muttered under my breath.

“What was that?” Zach asked me cockily. I shook my head innocently. “Nothing. Why?”

“I swear I heard you call me cute.” Well, there goes my cheek again.

“Shut up, you son of a barnacle.” He chuckled before popping more jelly beans in his mouth.

“You could have still bought me the M&M’s you know.” I suggested to him. Carly nodded along before following Richard into the kitchen.

“I could have. And you could have also told them what really happened, you know.”

I didn’t answer to him. Instead, I played with my fingers awkwardly. “Whatever you’re not telling me Alex, I’ll get it out from you soon enough.”

I groaned. “Fine, I’ll tell you later but you really cannot say any of this to Carly or Rich or Beth, you hear?”

He winked at me and sealed his lips with his hands.

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